Hello Level VI Families,

We apologies for any confusion around the mentorship and wellness schedule for this month. This is your reminder about the upcoming December Mentorship and Wellness seminars. This month you will have both a wellness seminar and a mentorship seminar that will be Q&A with faculty members. Bellevue Level VI’s will be speaking with Ms. Imler, and Seattle Level VI’s will be speaking with Ms. Hanson. Please note the additions and adjustments below.

FRC – BellevueTimePlaceSeminar
Saturday, December 9th10:00-11:00PB StudioWellness Seminar
Saturday, December 16th10:15-11:00PB StudioMentorship – Faculty Q&A
PC – SeattleTimePlaceSeminar
Tuesday, December 5th8:00-8:30pmStudioMentorship – Faculty Q&A
Saturday December 9th11:45-12:45JDBRWellness Seminar
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!