Hello PNB School Families,   

Below please find important student drop off and pick up information for dress rehearsals and the School Performance!   


All students wearing women’s dress code should arrive with their tights, ballet shoes and hair in a bun or pulled away from their face (depending on length). All students wearing men’s dress code should arrive with their regular school dress code tights and leotard/shirt and white ballet socks and shoes with their hair secured away from their face if long.  

Level I Studio C Rehearsal: Students will meet at the Phelps Center (301 Mercer Street) in Seattle at 4:15pm on Friday, 6/7. Please have your student arrive at the front doors and go into the building; students will be met by staff.

Dress Rehearsals and Performance Day: Students check in at the Stage Door (the Stage door is located outside of McCaw Hall in Seattle along Mercer Street). Staff will check students in at the Stage Door. Please note: no parents or guardians are allowed to escort students through the Stage Door.  

Please click here for dress rehearsal and warm-up schedule: 2024 School Performance Rehearsal & Warm up Schedule

Check in is 1 hour prior to show start time on Saturday, 6/15:

  • 12:30 show check in time: 11:30am (levels I, II, III, IV)

This information can also be found in the Level I School Performance Handbook.


Students dancing in Act I of the shows (12:30 – Levels I, II, III, IV): will be picked up from the Second-Tier of McCaw Hall at the very end of the performance. Due to safety concerns, families CANNOT pick up students from the second-tier balcony early, nor will they be able to join their students until after the performance has ended. PNB Staff and volunteers will be escorting and sitting with students at the second-tier. Please come to the second-tier to pick up your student after the end of the performance. Thank you for your cooperation.