Dear PNB families,

For those that are in our Children’s Division (Tots, Creative Movement, & Pre-Ballet) we ask that you have your student arrive on time. Our Children’s Division Classes run no longer than 45 min – 1 hour. It is very important for students to be prepared to start class on time and ask that you remind your child to use the bathroom before class.

Please see below for our policy around attendance that can be found in the Student Handbook on pages 19 -20:

Students are required to attend all scheduled classes for the Level in which they are registered. Students or their families must report all absences to the School prior to class time in order to be excused. Attendance in all scheduled classes is critical to consistent progress and advancement in the School. Poor attendance (whether absences are excused or unexcused) may jeopardize a student’s promotion, participation in productions, or Financial Aid. There are no make-up classes for any class cancellations or student absences.

It is essential that students come to class on time. Late arrival does not allow a student sufficient time to warm up, may cause injuries and disrupts class concentration. Students more than fifteen minutes late to any class will not be permitted to participate in or observe the class.