Pacific Northwest Ballet School’s financial assistance program grants financial aid based on the need of the family and the student’s potential for a professional career. In addition, a student’s classroom performance, attendance and behavior at the school are expected to be exemplary and are also considered in determining assistance.

Our financial assistance application process utilizes the services of the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS). The SSS does a comprehensive, standardized analysis of the information received and, upon completion, submits a report to PNB, which provides a “measure of the ability of parents to contribute toward total educational expenses”.  

Financial assistance is determined in the summer for the following academic year.  Previously awarded financial aid does not transfer from year to year; families must reapply. Financial assistance is primarily awarded to Student Division and Professional Division applicants. Students enrolled in the Children’s Division may apply for financial aid, although assistance is limited at this level.

Click here for the 2024-25 Financial Aid Application. Applications are due July 1, 2024.

Please contact the school if you have questions regarding financial aid.