Dear PNB School Families,

You may have heard us talk about the work to create a cultural access program for King County. PNB, PNB School, and organizations of every size and discipline in King County will benefit from the passage of the program, now called Doors Open King County. All voices make a difference in the effort to pass this program. Please consider adding yours!

If King County Council passes this modest sales tax increase (1/10th of 1%, about $40 per household per year), over $90 million in funding will flow into arts, science, and heritage organizations across the county. In particular, our partners at Inspire Washington are asking Bellevue and Redmond residents to send an email of support to your local representative who serves on the Regional Policy Committee. You can use these template letters to draft your own.

·      Redmond Mayor Angela Birney:

·      Bellevue City Councilmember John Stokes:

By visiting this link, you’ll find all three action items from Inspire Washington, and here, an article about the program by Rich Smith at The Stranger, which summarizes well the broad impact of the program:

Thank you for your consideration and continued support of PNB School!