Hello Lv VII, VII and Adv C Families and Students,

Here are some updates/clarifications to your class schedule for Thursday Feb 6th – Saturday Feb 8th due to The Sleeping Beauty

Thursday Feb. 6th:

  • Orange Cast Lv VIIIs and Adv Cs will split between VII A Tech class and VII B Tech class for warm up from 4:30-6:00.
    • If your last name starts with A-L you will take class with VII A
    • If you last name starts with M-Z you will take class with VII B

Friday Feb. 7th:

  • Green Cast Garland Pointe/Flat dancers will take 4:30-6:00 Level VIII class for warm up.
    • Green Cast Level VIIs that are not Garland Pointe/Flat can aim to take part of your original scheduled class as it works with your call time for the performance role/call time.

Saturday Feb 8th:

  • ALL Green Cast Level VII, VIII, and Adv C will the 10:00-11:30 warm up class
  • ALL Orange Cast Level VII and VIII will take the 11:30-1:00 warm up class
  • VII modern, VII A & B Technique, VII A & B conditioning, VIII Rep and VIII conditioning are canceled.

Please reach out to the school email if you have any questions! (pnbschool@pnb.org)

Thank you!

PNB School Staff