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So far PNB School has created 429 blog entries.

BELLEVUE Level VI Conference Sign Up

Individual student/parent conferencing for Bellevue Level VI will start in mid December. These 20-minute conferences will remain on Zoom to allow for better scheduling with parents and students.

Please find the sign up sheet below and add your students name next to a time slot that works best for your family. Please contact the school if you are unable to attend any of the available dates and times. On some of the conference dates there will be two meetings happening the same day, this has been notated by: Group 1 or Group 2.

As always, the level VI conferences will include discussions about your progress and mastering technique and artistry. Prior to conferences, your teachers work collectively to communicate their individual observations and corrections for each student. Conferences provide a platform to discuss not only what you are working on in class in the way of technique, but also your plans for the future and how we can help guide you successfully into the next chapter in your life. We want to be able to support you. Parents and students please come prepared with questions and let us know how we can help make this a successful year for you.   

Level VI can be an intense year, with high expectations in and out of the studio. Consistent attendance is a top priority at this level. We want to hear what issues you are coming up against (if any) and we will try, as always, to work with you to maintain this consistency.

We look forward to meeting with you as we set goals for the year ahead.

BELLEVUE Level VI Conference Sign Up Sheet

BELLEVUE Level VI Conference Sign Up2024-11-18T11:49:59-08:00

SEATTLE Level VI Conference Reminder & Zoom Links

Hi Seattle Level VI families,

The conferences for Seattle Level VI are coming up next week! The zoom links can be found below as well as HERE on the sign up sheet. On some of the conference dates there will be two meetings happening the same day, this has been notated by: Group 1 or Group 2. Please pay attention to which group and which date you are when clicking on the zoom link. Also note that the sign-up sheet has been updated to include Faculty/Staff attending each conference.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

We look forward to discussing your progress and the summer and year to come!

VI ZOOM Links:

Sopheary Wiley-Ly Zoom Link for Monday, November 18th

Group 1 Zoom Link for Tuesday, November 19th

Group 2 Zoom Link for Tuesday, November 19th

Group 1 Zoom Link for Wednesday, November 20th

Group 2 Zoom Link for Wednesday, November 20th

*BELLEVUE Level VI Conference Sign-Ups will be posted sometime next week so keep an eye out for that!

SEATTLE Level VI Conference Reminder & Zoom Links2024-11-15T17:11:29-08:00

Reminder: VIII Seminar Week of 11.11.24

Hello Level VIII families,

This post is a reminder that there is a seminar scheduled for this week. You will continue to receive reminders the week of a scheduled seminar. These seminars are mandatory. If you are unable to attend for any reason please contact us through the school inbox at To see the full seminar schedule timeline please follow this link here. Please keep a close watch on this link closely in case of any changes

For this week please see below for the information on the date, time, and location.

16-Nov10:15-11:15amSchool LibraryMentorship
subject to change
Reminder: VIII Seminar Week of 11.11.242024-11-15T09:20:01-08:00

Reminder: VII Seminar Week of 11.11.24

Hello Level VII families,

This post is a reminder that there is a seminar scheduled for this week. These seminars are mandatory. If you are unable to attend for any reason please contact us through the school inbox at You will continue to receive reminders the week of a scheduled seminar. To see the full seminar schedule timeline please follow this link here. Please keep a close watch on this link in case of any changes.

For this week please see below for the information on the date, time, and location.

subject to change
Reminder: VII Seminar Week of 11.11.242024-11-15T09:18:53-08:00

Reminder: VI (FRC) Seminar Week of 11.11.24

Hello Level VI families,

This post is a reminder that there is a seminar scheduled for this week. These seminars are mandatory! If you are unable to attend for any reason please contact us through the school inbox at You will continue to receive reminders the week of a scheduled seminar. To see the full seminar schedule timeline please follow this link here. Please keep a close watch on this link closely in case of any changes.

For this week please see below for the information on the date, time, and location.


16-Nov10:00-11:00amFRC StudioMentorship
subject to change

Reminder: VI (FRC) Seminar Week of 11.11.242024-11-15T09:17:35-08:00

SEATTLE Level VI Fall Conference Sign-Up

Hello SEATTLE Level VI families,

Individual student/parent conferencing for Seattle Level VI will be taking place the week of November 18th. These 20-minute conferences will remain on Zoom due to issues with Teams. Bellevue level VI conferences will start in December, info will be sent out by the end of November!

As always, the level VI conferences will include discussions about your progress and mastering technique and artistry. Prior to conferences, your teachers work collectively to communicate their individual observations and corrections for each student. Conferences provide a platform to discuss not only what you are working on in class in the way of technique, but also your plans for the future and how we can help guide you successfully into the next chapter in your life. We want to be able to support you. Parents and students please come prepared with questions and let us know how we can help make this a successful year for you.   

Level VI can be an intense year, with high expectations in and out of the studio. Consistent attendance is a top priority at this level. We want to hear what issues you are coming up against (if any) and we will try, as always, to work with you to maintain this consistency.

We look forward to meeting with you as we set goals for the year ahead.

Seattle level VI: Click here to sign up for a conference time by Tuesday, November 12th. 

*Please note there are 2 conference groups for each date.

SEATTLE Level VI Fall Conference Sign-Up2024-11-08T09:40:46-08:00

Company Class Observation Opportunity

Hello Mentorship & Wellness Students,

We are thrilled to announce TWO company class (on stage!) observation opportunities for students of the PNBS Mentorship & Wellness Program. 

Acknowledging your busy academic, ballet, and life schedules, these have been scheduled on Sunday’s so that there is least chance of conflict. Unfortunately, there will not be any other dates/times available for company class observation.

Here is the form for students to fill out: link here

FORM DEADLINE: Sunday, November 17, 2024 by midnight PT

Once students have successfully submitted this form, we will send a follow-up email with meeting and logistic details by November 25th.


Samuel Maifeld
Wellness Scheduling Coordinator

Company Class Observation Opportunity2024-12-03T16:47:18-08:00

Reminder: VII Seminar Week of 11.4.24

Hello Level VII families,

This post is a reminder that there is a seminar scheduled for this week. These seminars are mandatory, so if you are unable to attend for any reason please reach out to the school to inform them of the absence.

You will continue to receive reminders the week of a scheduled seminar. To see the full seminar schedule timeline please follow this link here. Please keep a close watch on this link in case of any changes.

For this week please see below for the information on the date, time, and location.

9-Nov10:30-11:30amJDBRMental Wellness Seminar
subject to change
Reminder: VII Seminar Week of 11.4.242024-11-04T09:39:46-08:00

Level VII Conference ZOOM Links

Hi Seattle Level VII families,

The conferences for Seattle Level VII are coming up next week! The zoom links can be found below as well as HERE on the sign up sheet. On some of the conference dates there will be two meetings going on at the same time, this has been notated by: Group 1 or Group 2. Please pay attention to which group you are in when clinking on the zoom link. Also note that the sign-up sheet has been updated to include Faculty attending each conference.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

If you have individually reached out to schedule a different conference time, your zoom link will be sent out separately.

We look forward to discussing your progress and the summer and year to come!


Group 1 Zoom Link for Monday, November 4th

Group 2 Zoom Link for Monday, November 4th

Group 1 Zoom Link for Tuesday, November 5th

Group 2 Zoom Link for Tuesday, November 5th

Group 1 Zoom Link for Wednesday, November 6th


Group 1 Zoom Link for Thursday, November 7th

Group 2 Zoom Link for Thursday, November 7th

Group 1 Zoom Link for Friday, November 8th

Group 1 Zoom Link for Tuesday, November 12th

Group 1 Zoom Link for Tuesday, November 12th

Level VII Conference ZOOM Links2024-11-02T15:08:42-07:00

Attendance Reminder

Hello PNBS Families!

This is a reminder that if your student will be missing class to please call or email the school. In addition to attendance, we need students arriving on time for class. It is essential that students come to class on time. Late arrival does not allow a student sufficient time to warm up, may cause injuries and disrupts class concentration. Students more than fifteen minutes late to any class will not be permitted to participate in or observe the class.

Thank you!

-PNB Staff

Attendance Reminder2024-10-30T14:42:58-07:00
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