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Seattle and Bellevue December Observation Days!

Saturday, November 16 2019

Hello PNB Families,


We are excited to invite you to
observe your student in classes this December. Please look carefully for your
students class on the below schedules.


Our Seattle Duet, Tots,
Creative Movement, and Pre-Ballet
students can find a notice for their
Observation Day HERE.


Our Seattle Level I-VIII
students can find their Observation Day schedule HERE.


All of our Bellevue
can find their Observation Day schedule HERE.


Please contact the school office
if you have any questions!


Posted by PNB School

Seattle and Bellevue December Observation Days!2020-11-19T16:42:05-08:00


Thursday, November 14 2019

The weekend closure of NE Spring Blvd. has been rescheduled
for Friday, November 22 to Monday, November 25. Please see below, changes
are in red. Please note that the most notable change is the traffic change
after the weekend closure on NE Spring Blvd. until December 9 (diagram 4)


Changes to NE 20th St and 136th PL NE intersection, as
early as Friday, November 22 through Friday, December 13

Contractor crews will begin work at the intersection of NE
20th St and 136th PL NE to build out the new concrete intersection. This work
will entail finishing utilities and grading and paving for the concrete
intersection. Please see below diagram 1 detailing where the new work
zone will be. With this change at the intersection we will also have two-way
traffic on 136th PL NE and restricted turns out of Simone Plaza and BMW.


Access to 136th PL NE with two-way traffic, as early
as Friday, November 22 (ongoing) 

Access to businesses on the west
of 136th PL NE will be
from NE 20th ST, please see diagram 2. Businesses
on the east side of 136th PL NE will have access from NE Spring Blvd.
and 136th PL NE (U-turn at the intersection of 136th PL NE and NE Spring
Blvd.), please see diagram 2.

  • Please note that while construction in the center of
    the roadway may not start right away, crossing the road will not be
    permissible for both vehicles and pedestrians; sidewalks/pedestrian paths
    will be maintained throughout.


Weekend closures on NE Spring Blvd., Friday, November 22 through Monday, November 25, 6
p.m.-6 a.m.

NE Spring Blvd. roadway work will be done under a full
weekend closure, 6 p.m. Friday, November 22 to 6 a.m. Monday, November 25. This
closure is necessary to facilitate roadway removal, grading, and asphalt activities.
Please see diagram 3 for how traffic/access will be maintained during
the weekend closure. All access to 136th
PL NE will be from NE 20th ST.


Traffic and access after NE Spring Blvd. weekend closure,
Monday, November 22 through Monday, December 9

Access to 136th PL NE and NE Spring Blvd. will be maintained
from 134th AVE NE and NE 20th ST, please see diagram 4.


Changes to traffic and access to 136th PL NE and NE
Spring Blvd., Monday, December 9 through end of

Starting as early as December 9, crews will be working at
the intersection of 134th AVE NE and NE Spring Blvd., local access will be
maintained on 134th AVE NE. All access to 136th PL NE and NE Spring Blvd. will
be from NE 20th ST, please see diagram 5.


Please contact Elizabeth with any questions. 



Community Outreach Specialist, East Corridor 


Sound Transit

Office: 206-689-4743


Posted by PNB School


NO CLASSES ON VETERAN’S DAY – Monday, November 11th

Wednesday, November 6 2019

There will be no student classes or open classes on Monday, November 11th in recognition of Veteran’s Day. The School offices at the Phelps Center and the Francia Russell Center will also have shortened hours.

Have a great day off! 


Posted by PNB School

NO CLASSES ON VETERAN’S DAY – Monday, November 11th2020-11-19T16:42:05-08:00

UPDATED Seattle Class Changes This Week (11/4-11/7)

Monday, November 4 2019

Hello PNB Families,

Due to studio availability next week we are having to
combine, cancel, and move around some of our classes. Please check below for
changes to your students Schedule. 

Level IVA

Wednesday, November 6th – Combined with IVB – 6:00-7:30 Technique (Pointe will not be combined. 7:30-8:30)

Level IVB

Monday, November 4th -Combined with IVC – 6:45-8:15 Technique

Wednesday, November 6th – Combined with IVA – 6:00-7:30 Technique (Pointe will not be combined. 7:30-8:30)

Level IVC

Monday, November 4th -Combined with IVB – 6:45-8:15 Technique

Intermediate Boys

Tuesday, November 5th -Combined with Level VI – 5:15-6:45 Technique & 7:00-8:15 Pas

Thursday, November 7th – Int. Boys have the option of taking one or both of the following classes: Men’s Division technique 5:15-6:45 or level IVC technique 7:00-8:30

Level VI

Tuesday, November 5th -Combined with Intermediate Boys – 5:15-6:45 Technique and 7:00-8:15 Pas

Thank you for your understanding. Please contact the

school office if you have any questions.


Posted by PNB School

UPDATED Seattle Class Changes This Week (11/4-11/7)2020-11-19T16:42:05-08:00

Seattle Class Changes Next Week (11/4-11/7)

Friday, November 1 2019

Hello PNB Families,

Due to studio availability next week we are having to
combine, cancel, and move around some of our classes. Please check below for
changes to your students Schedule. 

Level III A

Thursday, November 7th – Combined with Int. Boys – 6:00-7:30 Technique

Level IVA

Wednesday, November 6th – Combined with IVB – 6:00-7:30 Technique / 7:30-8:30 Pointe

Level IVB

Monday, November 4th -Combined with IVC – 6:45-8:15 Technique

Wednesday, November 6th – Combined with IVA – 6:00-7:30 Technique / 7:30-8:30 Pointe

Level IVC

Monday, November 4th -Combined with IVB – 6:45-8:15 Technique

Intermediate Boys

Tuesday, November 5th -Combined with Level VI – 5:15-6:45 Technique & Pas

Thursday, November 7th – Combined with Level IIIA – 6:00-7:30 Technique

Level VI

Tuesday, November 5th -Combined with Intermediate Boys – 5:15-6:45 Technique & Pas

Thank you for your understanding. Please contact the

school office if you have any questions.


Posted by PNB School

Seattle Class Changes Next Week (11/4-11/7)2020-11-19T16:42:05-08:00


Thursday, October 31 2019

Hello FRC Families,

As you know, we’ve been experiencing some changes to our
parking lot recently as Sound Transit continues their work on the light rail
project.  In the coming weeks, you’ll see
some additional changes to prepare for the extension of parking area.  Our building and access to our parking lot
will remain open throughout these changes. 
However, the point of access to the lot will change as the construction
crews work on different parts of the lot. 
Here is the current schedule that you can anticipate:

Starting Thursday, October 31st, Access to our main
parking lot will available from the South Driveway.  (This is the newly paved driveway closest to
our front doors.)  The North Driveway
will be closed to commence work in this area. 
South Driveway access will be maintained from 134th Ave NE onto NE
Spring Blvd.  This point of access will
be maintained starting from Thursday, October 31st, until a weekend closure on
Friday, November 8th, at 6:00 PM.

On Friday, November 8, at 6:00 PM, All access to our main
parking lot will be from NE 20th Street onto 136th Place NE.  Visitors will use the temporarily reopened
North Driveway for that weekend.  This
weekend closure of NE Spring Blvd will last through Monday, November 11th.   After the weekend closure, access will
revert back to using the South Driveway, and access will be maintained from
134th Ave NE onto NE Spring Blvd for about 3 weeks.  Crews will resume activities on the North
Driveway during this time.

Starting as early as Monday, December 2nd, until the end
of the year, All access will be from NE 20th Street onto 136th Place NE. 

We greatly appreciate your patience as these new phases
of the construction continue!  We
understand the inconvenience that this presents in the short term, but we are
thankful for the progress towards regaining some much-needed space in our
parking lot.  Please do not hesitate to
ask if you have any questions!

For more information, you may direct roadway and
construction questions to:

Elizabeth Guevara

Community Outreach Specialist, East Corridor
Communications Sound Transit

Office: 206-689-4743





Posted by PNB School


Regular Dress Code This Week

Tuesday, October 29 2019

Hello PNB Families, 

We have cancelled all classes from 4:00pm to 9:00pm on Thursday, October 31st in order to try to accommodate the large number of our students and faculty members that like to celebrate that evening with their families and friends and would need to miss classes. 

We do ask that our students respect our dress code policies the rest of this week in their regular classes. Not all of our families and faculty members celebrate Halloween and it is against our policy to allow for costumes on any of the days surrounding October 31st. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. 


Posted by PNB School

Regular Dress Code This Week2020-11-19T16:42:05-08:00

ST Construction Update – Rescheduling Watch Days

Saturday, October 19 2019

Dear Francia Russell Center Families
We once again want to thank you for your flexibility and understanding during the past couple weeks of construction. Sound Transit is not able to give us a completion deadline for the construction that began two weeks ago. This is because the construction is now “weather sensitive”. 

We do want to move forward and reschedule the cancelled watch days for our families. The rescheduled Watch Days are posted at the Francia Russell Center and were emailed out to our families. 

Please be aware that the parking will continue to be extremely limited during these rescheduled watch days. Our families should plan to arrive early and carpool as much as possible. Property management is unable to provide any additional parking for us during this time and we do apologize for the inconvenience. Please note that there will be other watch days scheduled this school year. 

Please do not hesitate to contact our Sound Transit representative, Elizabeth Guevara, with any concerns, complaints or questions about the construction occurring in our parking lot:
Elizabeth Guevara Contact Information:

Office: 206-689-4743

We thank you for your patience and appreciate your patronage at PNB School’s Francia Russell Center. 


Posted by PNB School

ST Construction Update – Rescheduling Watch Days2020-11-19T16:42:05-08:00

Updated: Seattle Class Changes Next Week (10/21-20/24)

Friday, October 18 2019

Hello PNB Families,


Due to studio availability next week we are having to
combine, cancel, and move around some of our classes. Please check below for
changes to your students Schedule. Please note that these changes may occur again in the month of October due to the need of rehearsal space.

Level IVA

Wednesday, October 23rd – Combined with IVB – 6:00-7:30 Technique / 7:30-8:30 Pointe

Level IVB

Monday, October 21st -Combined with IVC – 6:45-8:15 Technique

Wednesday, October 23rd – Combined with IVA – 6:00-7:30 Technique / 7:30-8:30 Pointe

Level IVC

Monday, October 21st -Combined with IVB – 6:45-8:15 Technique

Intermediate Boys

Tuesday, October 22nd -Combined with Level VI – 5:15-6:45 Technique

Tuesday, October 22nd – Pas Combined with Level VI 7:00-8:15

Thursday, October 24th – Combined with Level V – 6:00-7:30 Technique

Level V

Thursday, October 24th -Combined with Intermediate Boys – 6:00-7:30 Technique

Level VI

Tuesday, October 22nd -Combined with Intermediate Boys – 5:15-6:45 Technique

Tuesday, October 22nd – Pas combined with Intermediate Boys 7:00-8:15

Men’s Division

Thursday, October 24th -Combined with Level VII – 5:30-7:00 Technique

Level VII

Thursday, October 24th -Combined with Men’s Division – 5:30-7:00 Technique

Thank you for your understanding. Please contact the

school office if you have any questions.


Posted by PNB School

Updated: Seattle Class Changes Next Week (10/21-20/24)2020-11-19T16:42:05-08:00

Level VIII New Voices Class Extended

Friday, October 18 2019

Hello Level VIII Families,


Due to all the great work that our level VIII students
are doing we are extending the Level VIII New Voices class by 15 minutes. The
class time will now run from 6:45 to 8:00.

If you have any questions please contact the school



Posted by PNB School

Level VIII New Voices Class Extended2020-11-19T16:42:05-08:00
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