
About PNB School

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So far PNB School has created 434 blog entries.

Level IV through VIII Video Links

Thursday, April 30 2020

IV, Level V, and Intermediate Boys students

Click on the link
below to access the following video:

Barre with Abbie Siegel

is the link to a PNB Vimeo page:

Password: PNB
(all upper case)

your video is having trouble streaming, click the settings icon on the player
bar below the video. Lower the ‘Quality’ of the video. For example:
your setting is on ‘Auto’ or 1080, switch it to ‘720’ and give the video time
to adjust.


Levels VI,
VII, VIII, Men’s Division, and Professional Division students

Click on the link
below to access the following videos:

Barre with Peter Boal

Barre with Jonathan Porretta

Mat Class with Lesley Rausch

Circuit Training with Ben Griffiths

Below is the link
to a PNB Vimeo page:

Password: PNB
(all upper case)

your video is having trouble streaming, click the settings icon on the player
bar. Lower the ‘Quality’of the video. For example:
your setting is on ‘Auto’ or 1080, switch it to ‘720’ and give the video time
to adjust.



Posted by PNB School

Level IV through VIII Video Links2020-11-19T16:41:14-08:00

PNB School Closure Update

Monday, March 30 2020

Dear PNB School Students and Families,


At the writing of this letter, our plan remains the same:
for classes to resume as soon as the public schools open, hopefully at the
beginning of May (our previous communication to you stated that we would be
closed through April 25th). We are listening to city, state and federal updates
on a daily basis and will communicate with all of you if decisions are made
that could affect our ability to finish the school year in June.


I hope you have all received messages and keep-in-shape
videos and/or suggestions from your wonderful teachers. Everyone at PNB is
looking forward to having you back in the studios!  Won’t it be wonderful to be dance together
again and stop holding on to the kitchen counter.   .


Follow PNB’s social media channels for inspiring and
uplifting PNB and ballet news. We look forward to seeing you at the Phelps
Center and Francia Russell Center again soon.


We cannot thank you enough for your patience, support, and
cooperation during this difficult time in our world. Wishing you all good
health as we continue to work through this ever-changing situation.




Denise Bolstad

Managing Director


PS: I am happy to report everyone at PNB is currently
healthy; and the presumed positive COVID-19 case (which you were notified of in
our correspondence to families on March 13th) was negative.


Posted by PNB School

PNB School Closure Update2020-11-19T16:41:14-08:00

Message to Students and Families from Denise Bolstad

Wednesday, March 18 2020

Dear PNB School Students and Families:


As the world
changes rapidly around us, we have decided the best immediate course of action
is to evaluate our class schedule a month at a time. In line with the directive
from Governor Inslee, PNB School will remain closed throughout the month of
April. It is our great hope the efforts we are all making to help flatten the
Covid-19 curve will be successful and we will resume classes in May. Please
look for regular updates as we navigate this together. April tuition will be
due April 3rd and we’ve identified the following options for families:

Option 1 – We
respectfully ask you to consider paying your full month of April tuition to
help support PNBS through this crisis. This April donation would be 100%
tax deductible.

Option 2 – We understand this crisis is impacting PNBS
families too. If you need to request a refund for April classes only, we
need to hear from you by March 30.


PNB School will
be back in touch again soon. Our wonderful Faculty are working on messages to
send to all students in the coming days to keep our students dancing and
engaged with their ballet studies at home. Follow PNB’s social media channels
for inspiring and uplifting PNB and ballet news. We look forward to seeing you
at the Phelps Center and Francia Russell Center again soon. 


Posted by PNB School

Message to Students and Families from Denise Bolstad2020-11-19T16:41:14-08:00

School Closure Update

Friday, March 13 2020

Dear School Families,

We wanted to update you on our operations at the end of a long week. We hope you’ve heard that by mandate from the governor, Seattle Public Schools and Bellevue School District are closing all locations through April 25th and thus PNB School classes will be cancelled through April 25th. Leadership has been working with state and local authorities to make the best decisions for our students and greater PNB community. We learned this morning of a presumptive case of COVID-19 among our large employee group. To be clear, this is not yet a confirmed case; testing is in process. The Phelps Center and the Francia Russell Center are closed. We have canceled dress rehearsal for Beauty & the Beast, and over the weekend, cleaning crews will be brought in for thorough disinfection in our spaces, over and above what they’ve been doing since the COVID-19 outbreak began.

Look for info from us in the coming days with resources for keeping up with your ballet training while we’re away from the studios.  School staff will be working remotely in the coming days; email is the best way to reach us.

It goes without saying our world is changing by the hour, and this is having a devastating impact on our operations. We will be reaching out in the coming days with more information and how to help PNB School continue to thrive. Your patience and understanding as we navigate this together is very much appreciated.

Learn more about our efforts:


Posted by PNB School

School Closure Update2020-11-19T16:41:14-08:00

Seattle Classes Cancelled Starting 3/12. Bellevue Classes Cancelled Starting 3/13.

Wednesday, March 11 2020

Dear PNB School

We hope you’ve heard
that Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is closing all locations for a minimum of 14-days, effective Thursday
March 12, and Bellevue Public Schools (BPS) is closing all locations through March 27th effective Friday March 13. Our policy is to follow the SPS district closures for the Phelps
Center and Bellevue Public School district closures for the Francia Russell
Center. Due to this policy all classes at the Phelps Center will be cancelled for a minimum of 14 days,
effective Thursday March 12 and all classes at the Francia Russell Center will be cancelled through Saturday March 28 effective on Friday March 13. Your understanding and continued commitment to PNB has been much appreciated as
we continue to navigate the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on your student’s ballet
training and our operations.

Please follow this link
for the message from Seattle Public Schools:

Please follow this link for the message from Bellevue Public Schools:

have been and are continuing to minimize visitors in our buildings as a health
precaution for our staff and students and due to this and the lack of rehearsal
time we will be cancelling the Seattle and Bellevue Petite Finale performances.
 More information about this will be sent out separately to our Creative
Movement and Pre-Ballet families.

remaining student conferences for the 2019-2020 school year are cancelled.

As you can imagine, our
staff is very busy answering questions. We appreciate your patience.

appreciate your understanding and wish you all good health.



Posted by PNB School

Seattle Classes Cancelled Starting 3/12. Bellevue Classes Cancelled Starting 3/13.2020-11-19T16:41:14-08:00

All March Observation Days Cancelled

Friday, March 6 2020

Dear PNB Families,

PNB is putting in place some measures to
avoid large gatherings and to limit the amount of visitors in our facilities.
The School will remain open as long as the public school districts remain open,
however, we are cancelling the class observation days scheduled this
month at both locations. We do not make this decision lightly and we appreciate
your understanding. Our students’ health and safety is our top priority.


Posted by PNB School

All March Observation Days Cancelled2020-11-19T16:41:15-08:00

Message to Families RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Thursday, March 5 2020

Dear PNB School

What we know about the
COVID-19 situation is rapidly evolving and we want to keep our families and
clients updated on PNB School’s operation and cleaning procedures. PNB remains
committed to keeping our students and families’ health and well-being a top

We continue to monitor
the situation and are tracking guidance from the Washington Department of
Health and the Centers for Disease Control. The Washington State Department of
Health is the lead agency in public health crisis situations in our state.

Currently classes are
continuing as normal at both the Phelps Center and the Francia Russell Center.
If there is a district-wide school closure for Seattle Public Schools the
Phelps Center will cancel classes. If there is a district-wide school closure
for Bellevue Public Schools the Francia Russell Center will cancel classes. PNB
School will not be issuing any refunds for classes missed. Missed classes will
be excused, please contact the school and let us know if your student will miss
class. Please use your best personal judgement when deciding whether to keep
your student home from class and contact the School if your family has been
exposed to COVID-19. If you are unsure whether you should keep your student
home from school, please read these guidelines here.

PNB’s janitorial staff
remains focused on maintaining a clean school environment with special
attention to high use areas. Our janitorial staff uses sanitizing products at
all times and have added vigilance to cleaning procedures, especially in our
high-risk areas; door handles, light switches, faucet handles, stair bannisters
and similar high-touch locations. Additionally, faculty are being diligent
about wiping down barres and studio surfaces with disinfecting wipes after every
class. Hand sanitizers are also readily available for student, staff, and
parent use at both schools. We recommend students have their own hand sanitizer
readily available if possible.

In order to best
minimize the possible spread of germs in our buildings, we recommend that
parents/guardians drop their students off for class and that siblings and
parents/guardians do not wait in the school’s common areas if possible.

To help stay healthy, the Centers for
Disease Control recommend:

  • Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds; use
    alcohol-based sanitizer if no water is available
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed
  • Avoid close contact (within 6 feet) with those who are
  • Stay home if sick
  • Cover cough or sneeze with tissue, throw tissue in
    trash, wash hands
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched object and

We will update you with any additional
information or guidance that we receive.



Posted by PNB School

Message to Families RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update2020-11-19T16:41:47-08:00

Class Photos are ready!

Friday, February 28 2020

Hello PNB Families,

Please find information on how to order
class photos below! Also please make note of the following:

  • Enjoy early bird pricing until
    March 20th! Photos will only be available through May 15, 2020.
  • Digital images are not
    available for these group photos. Remember that a percentage of sales
    benefits the Parents Association! 
  • For additional questions
    about photos contact: Taylor
  • For more information on the
    Parents Association and how to join contact Jennifer:

Seattle click here to be taken to the website. Password: PNBCSEA20

Bellevue click here to be taken to the website. Password: PNBCLS20


Posted by PNB School

Class Photos are ready!2020-11-19T16:41:47-08:00

March Observation Day Schedules!

Friday, February 28 2020


Below please find the schedules for the upcoming class observation days in March. 


Duet, Tots, Creative Movement, and Pre-Ballet Student will have observation days during their regularly schedules classes between Monday March 16th and Saturday March 21st. 

Level I – VIII families should click here to see their observation day schedule. 


Duet-Level VI families should click here to see their observation day schedule.


Posted by PNB School

March Observation Day Schedules!2020-11-19T16:41:47-08:00

Message to Families Re: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Friday, February 28 2020

Dear PNB School

You have likely seen
in the news or on social media about the coronavirus (COVID-19). We know this
kind of news can be worrisome and concerning. We want to provide you with
important information about the virus and recommended precautions, as PNB
remains committed to keeping our students and families’ health and well-being a
top priority.

We continue to monitor
the situation and are tracking guidance from the Washington Department of
Health and the Centers for Disease Control. The Washington State Department of
Health is the lead agency in public health crisis situations in our state. Currently
the Department’s guidance to schools remains unchanged for travelers returning
from China:

“The Washington State Department of Health’s
guidance continues to only recommend that travelers stay home,
away from others, and monitor their health for 14 days. The new guidance only
recommends staying home for travelers arriving in the U.S. AFTER February
2, 2020 at 2 p.m. Family members or other close contacts of these travelers who
are asymptomatic can continue with their daily routines.”

Washington State Department of Health has provided a fact sheet for the Novel
Coronavirus in various languages. Find it 

If you have come into
contact with people that have recently returned from a visit to China, we thank
you in advance for helping to 
monitor for symptoms for the coronavirus.

To help stay healthy, the Centers for Disease Control

  • Wash hands with soap and water
    for 20 seconds; use alcohol-based sanitizer if no water is available
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and
    mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact (within 6
    feet) with those who are sick
  • Stay home if sick
  • Cover cough or sneeze with
    tissue, throw tissue in trash, wash hands
  • Clean and disinfect frequently
    touched object and surfaces

The Washington
Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control are recommending
additional precautions only for those individuals who have had
close contact with someone who is confirmed to have COVID-19
or is being evaluated by the Department of Health for COVID-19. These
recommendations can be found 
online. The Centers for Disease Control is recommending that
individuals who are not symptomatic to continue with their daily activities,
such as going to work, school or other public areas.

If you are concerned
that you may have been exposed to COVID-19, and are experiencing symptoms of
fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please contact your healthcare provider.

If you are unsure
whether you should keep your student home from school, please read these

What Pacific Northwest
Ballet School is doing:

Student absences will
be excused for those who stay home due to this recommendation. Please
contact the School office to inform us of your situation.

PNB’s janitorial staff
focuses on maintaining a clean school environment with special attention to
high use areas. Hand sanitizers are also readily available for student, staff,
and parent use at both schools.

We will update you
with any additional information or guidance that we receive.



Denise Bolstad

Managing Director


Posted by PNB School

Message to Families Re: Coronavirus (COVID-19)2020-11-19T16:41:47-08:00
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