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Josh Spell Seminars

Josh Spell, PNBS Consulting Therapist

Seminar Schedule 

February-May, 2021

Please note: Zoom links will be emailed one week prior to scheduled seminars.

Level VI

Saturday, February 27            1:45-2:45pm

Saturday, March 27                1:45-2:45pm

Saturday, April 24                   1:45-2:45pm

Saturday, May 29                    1:45-2:45pm

Intermediate Boys/Men’s Division

Saturday, February 13            10:15-11:15am

Saturday, March 13                10:15-11:15am

Saturday, April 10                   10:15-11:15am

Saturday, May 15                    10:15-11:15am

Level VII

Saturday, February 20            9:00-10:00am

Saturday, March 20                9:00-10:00am

Saturday, April 24                   9:00-10:00am

Saturday, May 22                    9:00-10:00am

Level VIII

Saturday, February 6              9:00-10:00am

Saturday, March 6                  9:00-10:00am

Saturday, April 3                     9:00-10:00am

Saturday, May 8                      9:00-10:00am

Men’s Division/Int. Boys

Saturday, February 13            10:15-11:15am

Saturday, March 13                10:15-11:15am

Saturday, April 10                   10:15-11:15am

Saturday, May 15                    10:15-11:15am

Professional Division

Friday, February 5                   4:00-5:00pm

Friday, March 5                      4:00-5:00pm

Friday, April 2                         4:00-5:00pm

Friday, May 7                          4:00-5:00pm

Josh Spell Seminars2021-02-04T16:21:22-08:00

Phelps Center Safety and Security

Dear PNB School Level VII, VIII, and Men’s Division families,

Thank you to our PNB School families for your flexibility and support while we continue to navigate the pandemic and serve PNB School students and families. It’s been wonderful having student back in the studios again! We wanted to write today to talk about safety in and around Seattle Center.

As our families know, the Seattle Center campus is very different now with most of the resident organizations and activities closed, on hold, or working remotely during the pandemic. The City of Seattle has made Seattle Center available to host shelters for people experiencing homelessness, one of which is directly below PNB in the Exhibition Hall. With the lack of activity on campus and the nature of being an open urban center serving many individuals, Seattle Center has increased security and security rounds on campus. PNB also has a guard on duty during all School hours. Students driving to PNB should always exercise caution, whether parking in the Mercer Street garage or on the side streets. We encourage (masked) carpooling for students in the same pods, but recognize that carpools are not always possible. Families dropping off are encouraged to use the drop-off parking in front of the Phelps Center (after your student enters the building, please park elsewhere to leave room for the next drop-off) and students should always use the buddy system when walking across campus.

“See Something, Say Something”: Always let our staff know if you see or experience something unsafe on the way in and out of the Phelps Center. And if you see something suspicious while on the Seattle Center grounds, please report it immediately to the Seattle Center Emergency Services Unit at 206.684.7272 (or call 9-1-1.) We are in frequent conversation with our Seattle Center partners and that information helps all of us. (For more information, visit Seattle Center’s Public Safety page:

Seattle Center is PNB’s partner in campus safety and has been very responsive to concerns. Campus has been quiet and the shelters operational for many months without significant problems, but please do err on the side of caution when arriving at or departing from the Phelps Center. We are asking students and families to always be aware of your surroundings. Seattle Center shares our high priority in keeping our students and families safe while working with City of Seattle to make shelter and services available to our most vulnerable community members.


Pacific Northwest Ballet
Pacific Northwest Ballet School

Phelps Center Safety and Security2021-02-04T16:14:23-08:00

NO CLASSES MLK DAY – Monday, January 18th

Hello PNB Families,

There will be no classes on Monday, January 18th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

We hope you have a happy and safe holiday!

NO CLASSES MLK DAY – Monday, January 18th2021-01-15T15:40:30-08:00

PNB School Office Closure

The School and PNB offices are closed from December 24-January 3. Zoom classes will resume on January 4th; and we will be reviewing the possibility of returning to in-person classes as soon as we can. As we receive a high volume of questions this time of year, we kindly ask that you reach out to us with your questions after we reopen. We will return email and voice mail messages as soon as we can after January 4th.

Happy holidays!

PNB School Office Closure2020-12-23T08:26:06-08:00

Summer 2021 Statement for PNBS Families

Dear PNB Students & Families,

As we look ahead to the Winter Break and beyond, many of our students have summer dance programs on their minds. PNB School’s Summer Course structure will look a little different than in previous years, so we wanted to share this information with you:

The ongoing challenges of the current situation continue to affect how we plan and implement our programs. With that in mind, we are rethinking our 2021 Summer Courses with two goals: to accommodate our own students who do not want to travel, and to allow students from around the country to attend PNB. We also are expecting continued restrictions on class sizes; and while we don’t know at this time exactly how restrictive this could be, we are weighing that factor into our Summer Course enrollment planning. Ultimately, we hope to offer the opportunity to study with us this summer to as many qualified students as possible; and we want our own students to have a safe option that doesn’t require traveling out of state.

All currently enrolled PNB School students in Levels I-VI are invited and encouraged to attend Summer Course classes at the Francia Russell Center (no audition required).

The Summer Course at the Phelps Center in Seattle will be open on a case-by-case basis only to students in Level VII, VIII, Intermediate Boys and Men’s Division students. We are committed to working with our upper level students to determine the summer experience that will best suit their needs at this time. Students in these levels who are interested in attending the Phelps Center Summer Course must notify the School office by February 8th, so we can plan class sizes accordingly.

Both the Phelps Center Summer Course and Francia Russell Center Summer Course are 5-week programs (July 12-August 13, 2021). Registration and program information will be available to families in late January/early February.

Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season, and we look forward to seeing you in January.

Warm regards,

Denise Bolstad
Managing Director

Summer 2021 Statement for PNBS Families2020-12-23T08:22:35-08:00

Zoom Classes Have Resumed

Wednesday, November 18 2020

Dear PNB School families,


Please note: after the
unexpected cancellation of classes on Monday, 11/16, all PNB School  Zoom
classes have now resumed at their usual times. Thank you for your


Posted by PNB School

Zoom Classes Have Resumed2020-11-19T16:41:14-08:00


Sunday, November 15 2020

Dear PNB School Families,


You may have heard the latest announcement from Governor
Inslee today (see link below), issuing updated business restrictions as well as
revised guidelines for social gatherings in an attempt to lessen the impact of
COVID-19 on our communities. One of the updates includes the closure of indoor
service at fitness facilities and gyms; dance studios fall into this category.


From the Seattle Times:


Given these updates, PNB has once again suspended access to
the PNB studios for all students, beginning immediately. In addition, all
PNB School classes (in person and zoom) will be cancelled on Monday, November
, to give PNB Management time to review and potentially
adjust staffing at both the Phelps Center and the Francia Russell Center. We
hope to resume all classes as scheduled via Zoom on Tuesday, November 17th;
however, in order to comply with reduced building capacity mandates, we will
not be able to bring students into the studios, in pods or individually.


These new measures from the Governor are expected to last at
least through December 14th. We are extending the studio
restrictions beyond December 14th, through PNB School’s Winter
Break, and will revisit the situation to see if studio access might be possible
again after January 4, 2021. Of course, we will continue to follow guidelines
from King County Public Health, CDC, Washington Department of Health
authorities, and will keep you apprised of any changes or updates to projected
return-to-studio dates.


We understand and share your disappointment at this news, as
we just brought Level VII, VIII, and Men’s Division students back to the
studios. Although reverting back to strictly online instruction was a distinct
possibility moving into the winter months, it is heartbreaking just the same.
And while we are all working to maintain our physical health and safety, mental
well-being is equally important, so we want to take this opportunity to remind
you that PNB School’s Consulting Therapist, Josh Spell, is a tremendous health
and wellness resource for our School families. Josh is available to meet with
students one-on-one as needed, and can be reached at


As always, we will pass along any updates regarding
COVID-related impacts upon the School as they develop. Until then, keep working
hard in your zoom classes, and please reach out to us if you have any questions
or concerns.




Denise Bolstad

Managing Director


Posted by PNB School


Meet Henry Lu! PNB School’s Consulting Physical Therapist

Thursday, November 12 2020

Did you know that PNB School has a Physical Therapy
Consultant? Henry Lu, PT, ATC has been working in orthopedic and sports
rehabilitation since 2003, and has over 10 years of experience working in Dance
Medicine and Rehab. Henry is available to meet with students at his office, Velocity Physiotherapy in Wallingford; and he welcomes
questions from PNB School parents regarding ballet classes and physical therapy
in this new age of online/at home Zoom instruction. (206) 905-8575;


Posted by PNB School

Meet Henry Lu! PNB School’s Consulting Physical Therapist2020-11-19T16:41:14-08:00


Wednesday, November 11 2020

Hello PNB Families, 

PNB School will be closed Thursday, November 26th through Sunday, November 29th in honor of Thanksgiving. All classes will be held as normal on Wednesday, November 25th. 

We wish you and your loved ones a happy and safe holiday! 

PNB School


Posted by PNB School

THANKSGIVING BREAK2020-11-19T16:41:14-08:00

Level IV Pointe Shoe Fitting Information

Wednesday, September 30 2020

Dear Level IV
Students and Parents:

The BIG DAY is near! Level IV is a milestone level at PNB School that
many students dream of reaching, as students begin pointe work. We share your
excitement at getting those first pair of pointe shoes! In the coming weeks,
students will be spending time in pointe class discussing what to expect during
the fittings. Teachers will explain how a shoe should fit, what to wear at the
fittings, answer any questions from students and/or parents, and what the next
steps will be once students have had their shoes approved by PNBS faculty.

After much discussion and
planning with our colleagues at New York’s Freed of London office, we realized
that virtual/IN-person fittings at the PNB studios will not be feasible for Level
IV students this year. However, we have a fantastic fitting opportunity
right in our own backyard! Rhea Whitfield Lwin, owner of On Pointe Dancewear in
Bellevue, has graciously agreed to fit all PNB
level IV students. Rhea has been working with
PNBS and Freed to provide the BEST fitting experience we need for our students.

Fitting details:

Level IV students must go through an in-person fitting in order to purchase
pointe shoes from On Pointe Dancewear. Pointe shoe fittings must be scheduled
ahead of time through On Pointe’s website:
Please make your appointment as soon as possible.

  • Select the service “PNB Level IV
    Pointe Shoe Fitting.”
  • Please indicate your street shoe size in
    the comments section
  • Each student must have their own
    individual appointment 
  • Please arrive with clean feet and
    trimmed toenails
  • Students should wear clean tights to the
  • Face masks are required to enter the
  • Dancers’ families can expect to purchase
    the following: 1 pair of pointe shoes, matching Freed satin ribbon, pointe
    shoe elastic, toe pads, and a sewing kit. Each dancer will receive a free
    mesh pointe shoe bag and a special PNB discount of 10% off for this
    one-time purchase. It is possible that we might recommend additional
    accessories based on individual dancer’s needs.

All shoes must meet PNB
School faculty approval before sewing
On Pointe and PNBS faculty will make every
effort to find the best fit we can for each student.  On Pointe has expert fitters, and they
are also aware of PNBS requirements. Some students may need to experiment with
a different type of shoe. The faculty will continue
to advise each student to find the best shoe for her foot; so once you
have purchased your shoes, please bring them to the next zoom class and your
teacher will approve them to be sewn.

special “Sewing Seminar” for
students will be held during scheduled pointe classes (on Zoom) after shoes are
given final approval. This seminar is for students and parents; we want each
student to do her own sewing
, but parents should be there to help as
Students should have their pointe shoes and sewing supplies at
each pointe class following the fittings.

know that this is a very exciting time for Level IV students, and we hope that any
questions or concerns you may have will be answered at your fittings and during
class time. Please contact the School if you have any further questions.





Posted by PNB School

Level IV Pointe Shoe Fitting Information2020-11-19T16:41:14-08:00
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