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So far PNB School has created 433 blog entries.

SPRING BREAK-No Classes April 12th-18th, 2021

Hello PNBS Families,

PNB School will be holding spring break the week of April 12-18th. No classes will be held during this time. Classes will resume on April 19th as normal.

Enjoy the sunshine!

PNB School

SPRING BREAK-No Classes April 12th-18th, 20212021-04-12T10:28:44-07:00

Updated Mentorship Schedule

PNB School Mentorship Schedule
April-May, 2021

As of 4/2/21

Prof. Division
• Tuesday, April 27 from 6:30-7:30p PST
• Tuesday, May 11 from 6:30-7:30p PST
• Tuesday, May 25 from 6:30-7:30p PST

Level VI & VII
• Friday, April 30 from 8-9p PST
• Friday, May 14 from 8-9p PST

Level VIII & Int/Adv Men
• Monday, April 26 from 8-9p PST
• Monday, May 24 from 8-9p PST

Updated Mentorship Schedule2021-04-02T17:18:13-07:00

Updated Seminar Schedules with Josh Spell

Josh Spell, PNBS Consulting Therapist
Seminar Schedule
February-May, 2021

REVISED 4/2/21

Please note: Zoom links will be emailed one week prior to scheduled seminars.

Level VI
Saturday, February 27 1:45-2:45pm
Saturday, March 27 1:45-2:45pm
Saturday, April 24 1:45-2:45pm
Saturday, May 22 1:45-2:45pm

Intermediate Boys/Men’s Division
Saturday, February 13 10:15-11:15am
Saturday, March 13 10:15-11:15am
Saturday, April 10 10:15-11:15am
Saturday, May 15 10:15-11:15am

Level VII
Saturday, February 20 9:00-10:00am
Saturday, March 20 9:00-10:00am
Saturday, April 24 9:00-10:00am
Saturday, May 22 9:00-10:00am

Level VIII
Saturday, February 6 9:00-10:00am
Saturday, March 6 9:00-10:00am
Saturday, April 3 1:00-2:00pm
Saturday, May 8 TBD

Men’s Division/Int. Boys
Saturday, February 13 10:15-11:15am
Saturday, March 13 10:15-11:15am
Saturday, April 10 10:15-11:15am
Saturday, May 15 10:15-11:15am

Professional Division
Friday, February 5 4:00-5:00pm
Friday, March 5 4:00-5:00pm
Friday, April 2 4:00-5:00pm
Friday, May 7 4:00-5:00pm

Updated Seminar Schedules with Josh Spell2021-04-02T17:08:55-07:00

Mentorship Meeting dates/times for April and May

Hello PNB Families,

Please find the schedules for mentorship zoom meetings with Cecelia Iliesiu and Amanda Morgan for April and May below. Emails are being sent out today, March 25th, with the zoom information. Please contact the school if you have any questions.

• Tuesday, April 13 from 6:30-7:30p PST
• Tuesday, April 27 from 6:30-7:30p PST
• Tuesday, May 11 from 6:30-7:30p PST
• Tuesday, May 25 from 6:30-7:30p PST

Level VI & VII
• Friday, April 16 from 8-9p PST
• Friday, May 14 from 8-9p PST

Level VIII & Intermediate Boys and Men’s Division >> new date
• Monday, April 26 from 8-9p PST
• Monday, May 24 from 8-9p PST

Mentorship Meeting dates/times for April and May2021-03-25T18:14:45-07:00

Phelps Center Security and Safety Information

Dear Level VI-VIII, Intermediate Boys, Men’s Division, and PD students and families,
We are so happy to have students back in the studios! As always, we want to thank you for your support and commitment to your student’s dancing and to PNB. Please find an important update on safety and security surrounding the Phelps Center and greater Seattle Center campus.

As mentioned in a previous communication, the City of Seattle’s Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) is hosting a shelter below PNB at the Exhibition Hall for people experiencing homelessness. Seattle Center and DESC have increased security and awareness around the shelter, and the situation inside the shelter is well managed, but outside the shelter we are aware of an increase in unsafe interactions with the shelter-adjacent population utilizing DESC services around the Phelps Center.
Seattle Center has increased security on campus, and PNB also has a security guard present at the front door during all School hours. When traveling to and from the Phelps Center for classes, we strongly encourage the following:
• If you see something suspicious while on the Seattle Center grounds, please report it immediately to the Seattle Center Emergency Services Unit at 206.684.7272 (or call 9-1-1). We recommend students add this emergency number to their cell phone contacts.
• “See Something, Say Something”: Please also let PNB staff know immediately if you see or experience something unsafe on the way in and out of the Phelps Center. Email documentation is also helpful in our communication with Seattle Center. PNB Front Desk: 206.441.9411; PNB School Office: 206.441.2435
• Students driving to and from PNB should always exercise caution upon arrival and departure. If possible, walk in pairs (while remaining socially distant).
• Families who drop their students off are encouraged to use the drop-off parking in front of the Phelps Center and watch their student until they are safely in the building.
• Students being picked up must remain in the building until they see their parent arrive (while remaining socially distant from other students).
• For more information, visit Seattle Center’s Public Safety page:
Seattle Center shares our high priority in keeping our students and families safe while working with City of Seattle to make shelter and services available to our most vulnerable community members.

Pacific Northwest Ballet
Pacific Northwest Ballet School

Phelps Center Security and Safety Information2021-03-25T10:57:23-07:00

Phelps Center Vandalism

An act of vandalism occurred last Saturday afternoon at the Phelps Center and the front doors were deliberately damaged. It happened during School off-hours when classes were not in session. The Seattle Police Department and Seattle Center Security were immediately contacted and PNB has worked to increase security guard hours.

Phelps Center Vandalism2021-03-02T07:44:54-08:00

PNB School Update for Levels I – VI

Dear Pacific Northwest Ballet School Families,

We hope this letter finds you and your family healthy and well. It’s hard to believe nearly a year has passed since the start of the pandemic. We have been impressed every step of the way at the resilience of our students and parents, and grateful for the overwhelming support we’ve received from PNB School families as we work to navigate this crisis. It has been very hard on everyone, and we are grateful for your help as we continue to navigate PNB’s response. As always, safety continues to be our primary goal.

While we have been thrilled to welcome students in Level VI and above back to the studios in limited capacities, we do not see a pathway to welcoming students in Level V and below back to the studios this academic year. We know this news is disappointing to many of you, and we too are very sad to be planning a full year of academic instruction away from the studios. This decision was made in accordance with our local health authorities who have been guiding our Covid-19 response based on best practices. We simply do not have enough studio space to allow adequate time between classes for the air to clear and the space to be cleaned to bring additional students back into the studios at this time. We invite you to click on this link for more information and answers to frequently asked questions regarding PNB’s Covid-19 policies: COVID-19 FAQ’s | PNB School

Pacific Northwest Ballet Looking forward, we are planning for small, in-person Summer Course classes (with contingency plans, of course) at the Francia Russell Center from July 12-August 13. At this time, our schedule will allow in-person classes only for students in Levels IV, V, and VI; but due to continued COVID restrictions, space will be extremely limited and enrollment will be accepted on a first come first served basis. We are continuing to explore scheduling options for classes for Levels I-III, including in-person, hybrid, or all-Zoom classes. Registration and more information on FRC Summer Course classes will be available later next month.

Thank you again for all of your support and for supporting your student’s ballet training. We are grateful for you.


Denise Bolstad
Managing Director

PNB School Update for Levels I – VI2021-02-26T11:18:46-08:00

CLASSES CANCELLED-Saturday, February 13th

Hello PNB Families,

PNB management has made the decision to close the buildings and cancel all classes, tomorrow February 13th 2021, due to inclement weather.

Stay warm, safe, and enjoy your long weekend!

PNB School

CLASSES CANCELLED-Saturday, February 13th2021-02-12T13:21:39-08:00

No Classes on Presidents’ Day – Monday, February 15th

Hello PNB Families,

In honor of President’s Day both PNB School locations will be closed and classes will be cancelled on Monday, February 15th.

We hope you have a happy and safe holiday!

PNB School

No Classes on Presidents’ Day – Monday, February 15th2021-02-11T11:23:48-08:00

Mentorship Meetings for February and March

Hello Leel VI, VII, VIII, Men’s Division, and Professional Division Families,

Below please find the dates and times of your level’s mentorship meetings via zoom for February and March with Cecelia Iliesiu and Amanda Morgan. If you are missing the zoom links please email us at

Level 6 & Level 7: Fri 2/12 @ 8 – 9p
Level 8 & Int/Adv Men: Fri 2/19 @ 8 – 9p
PDs: Tues 2/9 & Tues 2/23 @ 6:30 – 7:30p

Level 6 & Level 7: Fri 3/12 @ 8 – 9p
Level 8 & Int/Adv Men: Fri 3/19 @ 8 – 9p
PDs: Fri 3/19 & Tues 3/23 @ 6:30 – 7:30p

Mentorship Meetings for February and March2021-02-08T14:28:42-08:00
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