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So far PNB School has created 434 blog entries.

November 2021 Observation Week Schedule

Hello PNB Families,

We are very pleased to invite you to observe certain classes via zoom the first week of November 2021! Please find the login information for zoom and observation day schedule for your student’s level below. Please turn your video off once you have joined the zoom meeting as we want to avoid as much distraction for the students as possible. We are so excited for you to see them in the studio and we know they will love sharing what they have learned so far with you! 

Seattle NOV 2021 Observation Week Schedule

Bellevue NOV 2021 Observation Week Schedule

November 2021 Observation Week Schedule2021-10-19T10:08:03-07:00

Beauty and the Beast Audition October 16th

Dear Parents of Level VII and VIII Women and Men’s Division Students:

We are excited for the return of the Family Matinee for the 2021/2022 season, the long-awaited production of Beauty and the Beast, choreographed by Bruce Wells. The Family Matinee is a wonderful opportunity for our upper-level students to perform in McCaw Hall in a one-hour ballet, created especially for family audiences. We will hold auditions on Saturday, October 16 at the Phelps Center, 301 Mercer St., Seattle. Auditions are open to PNB School students in Levels VII and VIII Women and Men’s Division. We encourage all students to audition, though there is a large time commitment for the entire rehearsal and performance period, as detailed in the attached document.

Beauty and the Beast will have up to two casts of students. Casting decisions are based on performing ability, musicality, technique, and attendance. All casting decisions are made by the Artistic Staff. While we encourage all eligible students to audition, we do not have roles for every student who auditions. Students are required to register online for the Beauty and the Beast audition by Thursday, October 14 at 9:00 PM.

Link to online Beauty and the Beast Audition Registration

Please consider the following information before your student auditions for Beauty and the Beast:

Student Commitment

  • Those selected for roles in Beauty and the Beast must be available for the entire rehearsal and performance period, from October 23 through November 20, 2021, and January 3 through March 27, 2022. Please only audition if you are available for the entirety of the time commitment. 
  • We cannot excuse students from rehearsals or performances for vacations, family events, school events, etc.; the only acceptable reasons for missing rehearsal are illness, injury, and family emergencies.
  • All Beauty and the Beast rehearsals will be at the Phelps Center in Seattle.

Please click here for detailed information on auditions and a general schedule, including rehearsals and performance dates. For questions, please contact Student Cast and Parent Volunteer Coordinator Lauren Kirchner at 206.441.2427 or email We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 16.


Peter Boal (he/him/his)   

Artistic Director

Beauty and the Beast Audition October 16th2021-10-08T13:54:02-07:00

PNB School COVID-19 Update, September 2021

Dear PNB School families,

It has been an absolute JOY to see our students back in the studios these past couple of weeks! We are beyond thrilled to transition back to in-person instruction; the energy and excitement in the classroom has been such a delight, as we continue to cautiously maneuver through the myriad of COVID protocols and procedures. As always, the safety of our students, faculty, and staff remains our number one priority, and we are working diligently to approach all COVID-related issues with both caution and care as we move forward. 

To date, no positive student cases have been reported to the School. We will continue to update you if and when a future case develops. The privacy of any individual directly impacted will be protected and not shared. Each reported case will be handled in accordance with the particular class and/or individuals it affects.  Should a positive case arise, we will take immediate steps to contact tracing, notify the families that are involved, and inform all necessary parties of our plan of action. Early notification is intended to reduce the chances of further possible transmission. Once families have been notified, we will continue to monitor the students who are impacted for recovery, symptom onset or worsening, and/or any subsequent positive cases.

Reporting all absences to the School and completing the PNB Health Screening honestly is imperative and crucial to our ability to contact trace and keep everyone safe.

At this time, we do not plan on zooming any classes for any reason. Should that change, we will let you know.

AND, if at any time you experience symptoms consistent with COVID-19,

  • Stay home from school and avoid other activities around other people.
  • Contact PNB School to report your reason for absence (experiencing COVID-19 symptoms)
  • Seek appropriate medical care and consider testing for COVID-19

Thank you for your continued attention to PNB School’s COVID-19 guidelines. The precautions and preventative measures in place are accomplishing exactly what they are designed to do—limit transmission, minimize serious illness and prevent hospitalization. We are proud of the work we have done together over the past 18 months and what we will continue this year, to maximize our time together in the PNB studios while maintaining a safe and healthy community.

As always, please reach out to us with any questions you may have, and we will continue to provide updates to you as they develop. Wishing you all a productive and healthy school year!


Denise Bolstad

Managing Director

PNB School COVID-19 Update, September 20212021-09-22T15:54:01-07:00

CM/PB Dress Code Reminder

Dear PNB School families,

It has been a great first week with your student! We are so excited to have them in the studios with us! 

We wanted to remind the families of our Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet levels that students should arrive with some kind of clothing over their leotard/tights (examples include: dresses, sweaters, jackets, and/or sweatpants) and other shoes. Students should not put on their ballet shoes until they are inside our studios. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the school if you have any questions! 

Phelps Center (Seattle location) 206.441.2435

Francia Russell Center (Bellevue location) 425.451.1241

CM/PB Dress Code Reminder2021-09-16T14:29:15-07:00

Reminder: Screenings due every day before class

Hello PNB Families,

We’ve made it through our first week of the school year! It is so wonderful having your student back in the studios with us. Now that everyone is settling into this year’s routine, we wanted to remind our families that a Student Health Survey (aka screening) needs to be completed for your student each day they have classes, prior to their arrival at the studio. You can find the survey by clicking here.

Please contact the school if you have any questions.

Thank you so much for helping us keep our schools safe!

Phelps Center (Seattle location) 206.441.2435

Francia Russell Center (Bellevue location) 425.451.1241

Reminder: Screenings due every day before class2021-09-16T13:57:48-07:00

Level IV Pointe Shoe Sewing Info!

Hello PNB Level IV Families,

Next week in your pointe classes we will be learning/reviewing how to sew your pointe shoes! Please click here to review how to sew ribbons and elastic onto your pointe shoes before next week. A level VIII student will be visiting your class next week in order to help the instructor demonstrate and assist students. Below is a list of things you will need to bring with you to your pointe classes:

Students: If you have not done any hand sewing before, we recommend you practice threading a needle before sewing day.


Upholstery or Carpet


Medium Size Needle


Small Case for Sewing Supplies


Level IV Pointe Shoe Sewing Info!2021-09-10T18:27:27-07:00

PNBS Communication Update

Welcome back!

We are so thrilled to welcome students back into the PNB studios, and look forward to seeing you in class this year! Please reach out to us with any questions you may have throughout the year, as we transition back to in-person instruction.

Stay Connected with PNB School

With continued restrictions on access to the PNB facilities, the School relies primarily on electronic methods of communication with our families, including the Parent Portal and email.

· Parent Portal: We encourage families to check the Parent Portal frequently for School news and updates.

· Email: In addition to the Parent Portal, we have been working with our marketing and IT departments to troubleshoot and improve email communications. We are pleased to begin the month of September with a new email system which we will use for all-School communication. Please note, this system requires a subscription; if you unsubscribe from PNB School emails, you will not receive updates via this method. If you are unsure about the contact information we have on file for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for confirmation

PNBS Communication Update2021-09-10T17:35:05-07:00

Mentorship Oreintation on September 11th for levels VI, VII, VIII, Int. Boys and Men

Hello PNB Families,

We are so excited to be continuing with, and expanding, our mentorship program this year! Cecilia Iliesiu, Amanda Morgan, and Josh Spell have worked hard to plan a wonderful program this year for our students. Each of our upper levels will be supported by company dancer mentors this year. Level VI, VII, VIII, Intermediate Boys and Men’s Division students are invited to learn more about the new elements of the mentorship program this year at orientation this coming Saturday, September 11th at 5:00pm. Please email the school if you need the zoom link.

Mentorship Oreintation on September 11th for levels VI, VII, VIII, Int. Boys and Men2021-09-09T19:37:45-07:00

No pas de deux at this time

Hello PNB Families,
At this time we are still unable to hold the Pas de deux classes for our upper level students. We are working on assuring safety so that we can start hosting those classes and we will contact our families/students when those classes begin.

No pas de deux at this time2021-09-08T14:38:18-07:00
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