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So far PNB School has created 405 blog entries.

Eastside Classroom Assistants 2023-2024

Dear Bellevue level IV, V & VI families,

PNBS is looking for student volunteers to serve as classroom assistants for our younger level classes.

Being a classroom assistant is a terrific way for your student to earn service hours at their academic school, build confidence, learn about teaching ballet & movement, and reconnect with their early dance training.

Student Sign-Up:

The Sign-Up sheet will be posted at 3:00pm on Thursday, September 7th and will be located on the grey bulletin board near the front doors at the Francia Russell Center. The deadline to sign up by is: Saturday, September 16th.

  • One student per class is needed.
  • You may sign-up for more than one class!
  • If the class you are interested in signing up for is already taken, please write your name in parenthesis just in case the spot opens up.
  • Level IV’s can sign up for either Tots or Creative Movement classes only!
  • Level V’s & VI’s can sign up for any class!

Please refer to the list below to see if there is a day/time that might work for your student (this is not the sign up sheet, your student must sign-up at the Francia Russell Center).

4:15-5:15 Creative Movement I
4:15-5:30 – Level IA
4:15-5:45 Level IIA
5:15-6:15 Pre Ballet I

4:15-5:15 Creative Movement II

4:15-5:15 Creative Movement III
4:15-5:30 Level ID

4:15-5:30 Level IE
5:15-6:15 Pre Ballet II

4:00-4:45 Tots I
4:15-5:30 Level IA
4:15-5:30 Level IB
4:15-5:45 Level IID
4:45-5:45 CM IV
5:30-7:00 Level IIA

4:00-4:45 Tots II
4:15-5:15 CM V
4:15-5:30 Level ID

4:15-5:30 Level IE
4:15-5:45 Level IIB
4:45-5:45 CM VI
5:15-6:15 Pre Ballet IV

4:15-5:15 CM VII
4:15-5:30 Level IB
4:15-5:45 Level IID
5:15-6:15 Pre Ballet V

9:00-10:00 CM VIII
9:00-10:00 CM X
9:00-10:00 Pre Ballet VI
9:15-10:00 Tots III
10:00-11:00 CM XI
10:00-11:00 Pre Ballet VII
10:15-11:00 Tots IV
11:00-12:00 CM IX
11:15-12:00 Tots V
11:15-12:15 CM XII

11:30-1:00 Level IIB

Eastside Classroom Assistants 2023-20242023-08-31T16:18:35-07:00

Pas de Deux Groups

Hello level VIII!

The Pas de Deux groups are confirmed. Please reach out with any questions. We are looking forward to classes next week!

Pas de Deux Groups

Pas de Deux Groups2023-08-29T15:02:23-07:00

Pas De Deux Groups

Hello level VII!

The Pas de Deux groups are confirmed. Please reach out with any questions. We are looking forward to classes next week!

Pas De Deux Groups

Pas De Deux Groups2023-08-29T15:00:59-07:00

23-24 PNB School COVID Protocols

Dear PNB School Students and Families,

Below please find important information regarding COVID-19 updates for the start of your classes. You can click here to review the complete PNB COVID protocols.

Please note: Entry into the Phelps Center and/or the Francia Russell Center continues to be restricted to only students at this time. School staff members will be at the doors of both locations in order to greet and guide students to their classes. We understand that this may be disappointing to many families. PNB will continue to have observation days throughout the year that families will be allowed to attend. Please know that this policy is currently under review and we will notify families of any changes.

A few additional key takeaways from the COVID protocols:

  • Masking will be optional for all individuals at all PNB facilities. We are prepared to reinstate any masking requirements as needed based on community and onsite transmission and will keep a supply of masks available at all times.


  • We are no longer requiring that individuals have negative test results to return to work after a positive COVID test. Following the CDC guidelines, an individual may return after 5 days if their symptoms are improving and they have been fever free for at least 24 hours. They will be required to remain masked at all times for the full 10 days after their positive test results or symptom onset (even if they do test negative in days 6-10).

Best regards,
PNB COVID-19 Safety Team

23-24 PNB School COVID Protocols2023-08-21T11:50:17-07:00

Pas de Deux Group Requests

Hello PNBS Families,

The level VII and VIII students will be split into two groups for Pas de Deux class this year. Students will have Pas every other week depending on their assigned group. This is in order to allow students more time with a partner in their Pas de Deux classes and therefore more productive instruction.

We understand that some of our students carpool with each other. Please send an email to with a list of names of students you carpool with by Monday, August 28th to ensure you are in the same Pas de Deux group.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Pas de Deux Group Requests2023-08-17T16:38:00-07:00

Freed Fitting Sign-up: Level IV’s!!

Freed fitting sign-ups are here! These fittings will happen in place of your scheduled class for each day. Please utilize the links below to register for a specific 20min time slot for your fitting.

Second year level IV’s are required to participate in this opportunity.*

Sing-up Here:

Bellevue Level IVA – Tuesday, September 12th 4:00-6:00pm

Bellevue Level IVB – Monday, September 11th 4:00-7:00pm

Seattle Level IV – Thursday, September 14th 4:00-7:00pm

Fitting Details:

  • Please arrive on time with clean feet and trimmed toenails. 
  • Dancer should arrive wearing clean convertible tights. Please no full-footed tights.
  • Students must wear tights for the fittings!
  • All shoes must meet PNB School faculty approval before sewing!
  • *Second year level IV’s: please bring current pointe shoes and applicable inserts/padding.

Pointe shoe fitters from Freed of London’s New York office will be at the Francia Russell Center and the Phelps Center to fit pointe shoes for all Level IV students. Most students will be fit in the Freed “Studio” shoe.  Payment may be made with cash, check, VISA or Mastercard at the time of your fitting; price information will be available soon. The School is grateful to take advantage of this very rare opportunity to be fit with expert guidance.

Level IV Sewing Seminars

The first pointe class after Freed fittings will be an official sewing day for students. A list of required materials will be provided at your fitting.

Do not sew your shoes until the scheduled sewing day! Faculty must approve your shoes before sewing, and pointe shoes are to be worn only in class!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school with any questions!

Freed Fitting Sign-up: Level IV’s!!2023-09-12T15:06:06-07:00

Freed Fittings Sign-up’s: Levels V – VIII’s!!

We are pleased to announce fitters from Freed of London will offer in-person pointe shoe fittings for students in Levels V-VIII on the following dates:

Francia Russell Center Levels V-VI    Tuesday, September 12             6:00 – 7:00pm

Phelps Center Levels V-VIII               Wednesday, September 13        3:00 – 6:00pm

We encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity if possible. Please note, space is limited and we ask that you sign-up for the location you are registered for.

Sign up here:

Bellevue Levels V – VI

Seattle Levels V – VIII

Fitting Details:

  • Please arrive on time with clean feet and trimmed toenails. 
  • Dancer should arrive wearing clean convertible tights.
  • Students must wear tights for the fittings!
  • Please bring your current pair of pointe shoes and any applicable inserts.

Pointe shoe fitters from Freed of London’s New York office will be available at the Francia Russell Center and the Phelps Center to fit pointe shoes for Level V-VIII students. Payment may be made with cash, check, VISA or Mastercard at the time of your fitting; price information will be available soon. The School is grateful to take advantage of this very rare opportunity to be fit with expert guidance.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school if you have any questions!

Freed Fittings Sign-up’s: Levels V – VIII’s!!2023-08-15T12:53:27-07:00


Hello level VIII student and families! We are looking forward to the upcoming school year.

Please note there was a change to the level VIII schedule. Modern on Tuesday nights will be an hour and 15 minutes long from 7:00-8:15 pm.

2023-2024 Schedule

Thank you. Please reach out with any questions.

SCHEDULE UPDATE – Level VIII2023-08-09T14:03:02-07:00

23-24 Wellness Program

We are happy to continue our wellness program for your student’s level this year. Mental Health Seminars will be hosted by PNB consulting therapist Josh Spell and PNB consulting Nutritionist Monica Van Winkle. Additionally, the PNBS Mentorship Program, developed by PNB Company dancers Cecilia IIiesiu and Amanda Morgan and led by a team of Company dancers, is offering monthly group meetings. All meetings will be held in person.

Please see below for the schedule:

2023-2024 Wellness Schedule

These programs aim to guide students through their ballet training by offering monthly talks with PNB company dancers, PNB consultants, and PNBS faculty. Each session is an open and safe environment for students, professionals, and teachers to share their advice and experiences related to dance.

We strongly recommend students attend these meetings as they are in place as part of a larger PNB commitment to promoting healthy emotional development for students. Role will be taken at each meeting for attendance. If for any reason dancers cannot attend their scheduled meetings/seminars, please follow the protocol for absences from the student handbook by notifying the School prior to their meeting/seminar.

List of topics that will be covered this year:
Performance values and boundaries
Audition prep
Confidence & self-doubt
Body image & nutrition
Self-care & stress management
Work ethic
Balancing dance & school
Careers in dance & life of a professional dancer
Classmate relationships & healthy competition

23-24 Wellness Program2023-08-09T13:58:13-07:00
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