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So far PNB School has created 431 blog entries.

BELLEVUE III A 3/20 Pre-Pointe Cancelled

Hello eastside level III A families,

Wednesday March 20th, the III A class will not have their regular pre-pointe class following technique, due to teacher availability. They will still have their regular technique class. Please see below.

Wednesday March 20th:

4:30-6:00pm Technique

6:00-6:45pm Pre-Pointe CANCELLED

Please reach out to the school if you have any further questions!

BELLEVUE III A 3/20 Pre-Pointe Cancelled2024-03-18T19:47:12-07:00


Hello Bellevue Level VI Families,

Tuesday 3/12 – 4:30-5:30 – Griffin FRC VI; Peter Boal Studio CANCELLED

Unfortunately, due to teacher illness/availability we must cancel the Spring Faculty Q&A Session scheduled to take place at the Bellevue school this afternoon. We are in the process of rescheduling this session and will inform families of the new date and time when that is finalized.

We apologize for any inconvenience, and ask that you reach out to the school with any questions or concerns.

BELLEVUE Spring Faculty Q&A RESCHEDULE2024-03-12T11:22:34-07:00

Spring Faculty Q&A

Hello Level VI Families,

There will be a second Faculty Q&A session this month, coming up next week. You can find your scheduled time below, please note the location. These are all in the evening, before or after a scheduled class. Please come prepared with questions to ask, or topics to talk about!

Tuesday 3/19 – 5:00-6:00- Foster SEA VI; JDBR

Tuesday 3/12 – 4:30-5:30 – Griffin FRC VI; Peter Boal Studio

Spring Faculty Q&A2024-03-06T12:14:42-08:00

Spring Faculty Q&A

Hello Level VII Families,

There will be a second Faculty Q&A session this month, coming up next week. You can find your scheduled time below. These are all in the evening, before or after a scheduled class. Please come prepared with questions to ask, or topics to talk about!

Tuesday 3/12 – 7:30-8:15 (Conditioning) – Porretta; Studio C

Spring Faculty Q&A2024-03-06T12:11:43-08:00

Spring Faculty Q&A

Hello Level VIII Families,

There will be a second Faculty Q&A session this month, coming up next week. You can find your scheduled time below. These are all in the evening, before or after a scheduled class. Please come prepared with questions to ask, or topics to talk about!

Tuesday 3/12 – 3:15-4:15 – Nancy Crowley; JDBR

Spring Faculty Q&A2024-03-06T12:09:10-08:00

Spring Faculty Q&A

Hello Advanced C Families,

There will be a second Faculty Q&A session this month, coming up next week. You can find your scheduled time below. These are all in the evening, before or after a scheduled class. Please come prepared with questions to ask, or topics to talk about!

Monday 3/11 – 4:30-5:40 – Le Yin; Library

Spring Faculty Q&A2024-03-06T12:06:24-08:00

SEATTLE Level IV Conferences

Individual student/parent conferencing for Seattle Level IV will be at the end of March. These 20-minute conferences will remain on Zoom to accommodate working parents and allow for better scheduling.

Level IV conferences will include discussions about your progress and mastering technique and artistry. Prior to conferences, your teachers work collectively to communicate their individual observations and corrections for each student. Conferences provide a platform to discuss what you are working on in class in the way of technique so we are better able to support you. Parents and students please come prepared with questions and let us know how we can help make this a successful year for you.   

We look forward to meeting with you as we set goals for the year ahead. Seattle level IV: Click here to sign up for a conference time by Friday, March 8th. When signing up, please take the earliest available time, in order to leave later slots open. If there is an issue with conference times or you have a question please email ASAP.

SEATTLE Level IV Conferences2024-03-02T10:16:35-08:00

March Wellness & Mentorship Schedule

Hello PNB Advanced C families!

This is your reminder about the upcoming March Wellness and Mentorship seminars. There are two seminars meeting this month, the details are below.

Saturday, March 2nd9:45-10:45 AMPNB LibraryMental Wellness Seminar
Saturday, March 9th10:15-11:15 AMPNB LibraryMentorship
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!

March Wellness & Mentorship Schedule2024-02-29T15:54:47-08:00

March Wellness & Mentorship Schedule

Hello PNB Level VIII families!

This is your reminder about the upcoming March Wellness and Mentorship seminars. There are two seminars meeting this month, the details are below.

Saturday, March 2nd10:15 – 11:15AMPNB Phelps Board RoomMentorship
Saturday, March 23rd10:15-11:15PNB Phelps Board RoomMental Wellness Seminar
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!

March Wellness & Mentorship Schedule2024-02-29T15:50:57-08:00

March Wellness & Mentorship Schedule

Hello PNB Level VII families!

This is your reminder about the upcoming March Wellness and Mentorship seminars. There are two seminars meeting this month, the details are below.

Saturday, March 9th10:45-11:45Board RoomMentorship
Saturday, March 16th10:45-11:45Board RoomMental Wellness Seminar
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!

March Wellness & Mentorship Schedule2024-02-29T15:49:09-08:00
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