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So far PNB School has created 429 blog entries.

May Wellness & Mentorship Reminder

Hello PNB Advanced C families!

This is your reminder about the upcoming May Wellness and Mentorship seminars. There are two seminars meeting this month, the details are below.

Saturday, May 11th9:45-10:45 AMPNB LibraryMental Wellness Seminar
Saturday, May 18th10:15-11:15 AMPNB LibraryMentorship
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!

May Wellness & Mentorship Reminder2024-04-27T12:52:25-07:00

May Mentorship & Wellness Reminder

Hello PNB Level VIII families!

This is your reminder about the upcoming May Wellness and Mentorship seminars. There are two seminars meeting this month, the details are below.

Saturday, May 4th10:15 – 11:15AMPNB Phelps Board RoomMental Wellness Seminar
Saturday, May 11th10:15 – 11:15AMPNB Phelps Board RoomMentorship
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!

May Mentorship & Wellness Reminder2024-04-27T12:38:22-07:00

May Wellness & Mentorship Reminder

Hello PNB Level VII families!

This is your reminder about the upcoming May Wellness and Mentorship seminars. There are two seminars meeting this month, the details are below.

Saturday, May 11th10:45-11:452nd Floor GalleryMental Wellness Seminar
Saturday, May 18th10:45-11:45Board RoomMentorship
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!

May Wellness & Mentorship Reminder2024-04-27T12:34:24-07:00

May Wellness & Mentorship Reminder

Hello PNB Level VI families!

This is your reminder about the upcoming May Wellness and Mentorship seminars. There are two seminars meeting this month, the details are below.

FRC – Bellevue
Saturday, May 11th10:00-11:00FRC StudioMentorship
Saturday, May 18th10:00-11:00FRC StudioMental Wellness Seminar
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!
Phelps Center – Seattle
Saturday, May 4th11:45-12:45Board RoomMental Wellness Seminar
Saturday, May 11th11:45-12:45Board RoomMentorship
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!

May Wellness & Mentorship Reminder2024-04-27T12:32:39-07:00

SEATTLE Level III Conferences

Hello, Seattle Level III families!

Each year in the spring, we hold student conferences for Level III families via Zoom. Conferences are an important time to discuss progress from the past year and set goals.

In preparation for conferences, the Level III faculty work collectively to communicate their observations and corrections for each student. Conferences address effort, attendance, understanding of ballet concepts, and technical and physical development. Conferences last approximately 20 minutes and involve the student, parent(s) or guardian, and two representatives of the School, including the student’s teacher and the School Principal, Assistant Principle, or Managing Director.

Students are expected to take notes during their conference to use as a reference. Parents/guardians should discuss these evaluations with their child to ensure a shared understanding of the student’s progress.

Class placement for the 2023-2024 year will be discussed. Please note: advancement from one level to the next is not automatic. It is not uncommon for students to spend two to three years in a level as they progress through the school. Conferences will be scheduled via Zoom to accommodate working parents and allow for better scheduling.

The link for the Seattle sign up sheet can be found HERE. Please sign up for the earliest time available to you in order to allow for families with other afternoon obligations. The sign up deadline in WEDNESDAY, MAY 1ST. Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.

SEATTLE Level III Conferences2024-04-27T12:08:34-07:00

BELLEVUE III B Conferences Sign Up Now

Hello Eastside III B Families,

We apologize for the confusion yesterday, this schedule required revisions but it is ready for you now!

Individual student/parent conferencing for Bellevue Level III B will start in May. These 20-minute conferences will remain on Zoom to allow for better scheduling with parents and students. Please sign up for a conference by Saturday, April 27th.

Please ask your student or call the school if you do not know whether they are in III A or III B. We appreciate it!

Level III conferences will include discussions about your progress and mastering technique and artistry. Prior to conferences, your teachers work collectively to communicate their individual observations and corrections for each student. Conferences provide a platform to discuss not only what you are working on in class in the way of technique, but also your plans for the future and how we can help guide you successfully into the next chapter in your life. We want to be able to support you. Parents and students please come prepared with questions and let us know how we can help you achieve your goals!  

We look forward to meeting with you. please sign-up for a conference time via the link below, by Saturday, April 27th.

Sign Up Here

BELLEVUE III B Conferences Sign Up Now2024-04-24T16:04:30-07:00

Level VII Conference Reminder & Zoom Link

Hello Level VII families,

Your student conferences are coming up at the end of next week. This email is your reminder as well as provides links for the zoom calls.

Additionally, there have been some group changes to individual conferences. No times have been altered, and the changes are highlighted in yellow.

Please note that there are simultaneous conference sessions occurring and make sure you are using the correct link!

Links can be found HERE on the sign up sheet as well as below.

Wednesday, April 24th GROUP A Zoom Link

Wednesday, April 24th GROUP B Zoom Link

Thursday, April 25th GROUP A Zoom Link

Thursday, April 25th GROUP B Zoom Link

Friday, April 26th Zoom Link

Please reach out with any questions, or scheduling conflicts to

Level VII Conference Reminder & Zoom Link2024-04-20T11:23:56-07:00

SEATTLE Level IV Performance Music

Hello Level IV Families,

Miss Turner has shared the music to be used for their piece in the School Performance. She would like the students to have it available to listen.

The link to the audio file can be found HERE.

SEATTLE Level IV Performance Music2024-04-20T10:46:55-07:00

BELLEVUE Level III A Conference Sign Up Now

Individual student/parent conferencing for Bellevue Level III A will start in May. These 20-minute conferences will remain on Zoom to allow for better scheduling with parents and students. Please sign up for a conference by Saturday, April 20th.

Level III conferences will include discussions about your progress and mastering technique and artistry. Prior to conferences, your teachers work collectively to communicate their individual observations and corrections for each student. Conferences provide a platform to discuss not only what you are working on in class in the way of technique, but also your plans for the future and how we can help guide you successfully into the next chapter in your life. We want to be able to support you. Parents and students please come prepared with questions and let us know how we can help make this a successful year for you.   

We look forward to meeting and setting goals with you. please sign-up for a conference time via the link below, by Saturday, April 20th.

Conference Sign Up

BELLEVUE Level III A Conference Sign Up Now2024-04-17T14:32:20-07:00

Bellevue Level V Modern Cancelled- 4/17

Hello Bellevue level V Families!

Due to teacher availability, your student’s level V modern class has been canceled on Wednesday, April 17th.

Technique class will be from 5:45-7:15pm

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school with any questions!

Bellevue Level V Modern Cancelled- 4/172024-04-15T10:56:05-07:00
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