Mandy Dray

About Mandy Dray

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So far Mandy Dray has created 113 blog entries.

Quarter 2 Starts Next Week!!

Good afternoon,  

This is a friendly reminder that Quarter 2 starts on Tuesday, November 12 (classes will not be held on Monday, November 11 in observance of Veterans’ Day). If you registered with a Quarterly payment plan, your card will be charged automatically on Tuesday.

Please let us know by this Saturday, November 9th if you are choosing to withdraw and would like to be removed from autopay. Any withdrawals who have paid in full or are on the Biannual payment plan will be refunded.  Please note we do not issue mid-quarter refunds.  

Quarter 1     September 9-November 9

Quarter 2     November 12-February 1

Quarter 3     February 3-April 5

Quarter 4     April 7-June 14

Let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you!

PNB School

Quarter 2 Starts Next Week!!2024-11-06T15:06:10-08:00

REMINDER: No Classes – Veterans Day

In observance of Veteran’s Day there will be no classes this Monday November 11th.

We hope you enjoy the long holiday weekend!

REMINDER: No Classes – Veterans Day2024-11-05T16:31:32-08:00

Eastside: Parking Lot Reminder!!

Hello PNBS Eastside Families!

This is a friendly reminder to please do not leave your car in the parking lot unless you are parked in a PNB designated parking spot. We have had several situations where cars have been left in the pick up line as well as in the middle of the driveway entrance/exit and this causes back ups and congestion with the parking lot traffic. Anytime you are sitting and waiting for your student we encourage you to turn your car off but please do not leave your car unless you are in a parking spot.

Thank you for understanding and helping to keep the traffic flow smooth!

PNBS Staff

Eastside: Parking Lot Reminder!!2024-11-05T12:52:16-08:00

Lobby Snowflake Sign-up!!

PNB School students in levels VI, VII, and VIII are invited to join us as Snowflakes in the McCaw Hall lobby and greet audiences at select Nutcracker performances!

Sign up for a lobby shift here: Lobby Snowflake Sign-Up Link!

Volunteer slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and one slot is allowed per student. Please do not sign up if you have a PNB School or academic class that conflicts with your shift, or if you are performing in The Nutcracker or volunteering backstage.

Each shift begins an hour and a half before the corresponding Nutcracker performance, and lasts through intermission of that performance. A Pacific Northwest Ballet employee will meet you at the front doors of McCaw Hall (in the Northeast corner of the building) at the beginning of your shift. Volunteers will wear Snowflake costumes and walk around the lobby taking photos with patrons. After your shift, volunteers can stay and watch the rest of The Nutcracker performance with a complimentary ticket!

Are all the volunteer slots full? Email to be added to the waitlist!

Thank you!

Lobby Snowflake Sign-up!!2024-11-01T14:22:57-07:00

Visiting Summer Course Auditions 2025

Hello PNB Families,

We are very excited to once again be hosting other ballet schools for their Summer Course auditions this coming January and February of 2025. Below you can find a schedule for those who are visiting.

*Subject to change – Please check individual program’s website for audition time and registration information

Saturday, Jan 4thOregon Ballet TheaterSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Jan 5thEllison BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday , Jan 5th Colorado BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Friday, Jan 10thCPYBSeattle – Phelps Center
Saturday, Jan 11thState Street BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Saturday, Jan 11thKansas City BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Jan 12thYAGPBellevue- Francia Russell Center
Sunday, Jan 12thSFBSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Jan 12thABTSeattle – Phelps Center
Wednesday, Jan 17thThe RockSeattle – Phelps Center
Saturday, Jan 18th John CrankoBellevue- Francia Russell Center
Saturday, Jan 18thCaroline BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Jan 19thBostonBellevue- Francia Russell Center
Sunday, Jan 19thNutmegSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Jan 19thBallet ChicagoSeattle – Phelps Center
Monday, Jan 20thSABSeattle – Phelps Center
Saturday, Jan 25thJoffrey Academy of DanceSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Jan 26thBallet AustinSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Jan 26thPittsburgh BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Jan 26thMiami City BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Saturday, Feb 1stWashington School of BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Feb 2ndPacific Northwest BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Feb 2ndNext GenerationSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Feb 2ndBallet WestSeattle – Phelps Center
Saturday Feb 8thNorthwest Dance IntensiveSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Feb 9thAlberta BalletBellevue- Francia Russell Center
Sunday, Feb 9thCincinnati BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Saturday, Feb 15thMilwaukee BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Feb 16thLong Beach BalletSeattle – Phelps Center
Sunday, Feb 23rdJoffrey Ballet SchoolSeattle – Phelps Center
updated 1-16-25

Visiting Summer Course Auditions 20252025-01-16T13:25:37-08:00

Non-profit Dancewear Donation Drive Opportunity!!

Hello PNB School Families!!

Starting on Monday November 4th, the non-profit group Swap For Good is having a donation drive for gently used dancewear! Bins will be placed at both Seattle and Bellevue locations from Nov. 4th – Nov. 15th to collect gently used dancewear and dance gear. We encourage our PNBS families to support and donate any dancewear items you currently don’t use anymore to this great cause! Please see the flyers below for more information about the donation drive and what donated items will be accepted.

Thank you!

PNB School Staff

Non-profit Dancewear Donation Drive Opportunity!!2024-11-02T11:37:47-07:00

Lobby Snowflake Sign-Up Announcement!

This is a reminder that Lobby Snowflake Sign-up begins Monday November 4th, 2024 at 8:00pm!

PNB School students in levels VI, VII, and VIII are invited to join us as Snowflakes in the McCaw Hall lobby and greet audiences at select Nutcracker performances. Potential shifts include November 29, November 30, December 1, December 6, and December 19.  

Volunteer slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and one slot is allowed per student. Please do not sign up if you have a PNB School or academic class that conflicts with your shift, or if you are performing in The Nutcracker or volunteering backstage. 

Check the parent portal on Monday November 4th, 2024 at 8:00pm for a link to sign-up for a shift.

Thank you!

Lobby Snowflake Sign-Up Announcement!2024-11-01T13:50:21-07:00

SCHEDULE UPDATE: Friday Nov 8th Discover Dance chat!

Hello Level VII and Advanced C students and families,

Discover Dance is coming up, and we are thrilled to have support from the Level VIIs and Adv Cs! On Friday November 8th we need Level VII A Technique & VII B/Adv C Technique all together from 6:00-6:15pm for a quick chat with Shannon Barnes and Oliva Evans on what they can expect on Discover Dance performance day.  Please meet in Studio A for this chat.

Thank you!

PNB School

SCHEDULE UPDATE: Friday Nov 8th Discover Dance chat!2024-11-01T09:14:32-07:00

Eastside Families: Halloween Volunteers Needed!!

Dear fellow parents and guardians,

Urgent: The PGA is still looking for volunteers for our Trunk-or-Treat event on Halloween night at the FRC! Please, if you are available and can provide a trunk for Trunk-or-Treat, it would be much appreciated. Time is limited so please utilize the link below to review the available details and to sign up right away!

Bellevue: 3rd Annual Trunk-or-Treat

Thank you!


Eastside Families: Halloween Volunteers Needed!!2024-10-30T10:14:41-07:00

Conference Meetings on Microsoft Teams!

Hello PNB Families,

This is just general reminder that all student conferences this year will be held via Microsoft Teams! We would like everyone to prepared and informed so that when it comes the time in the year to prepare for your conference meeting you are ready!

Please make sure you know what device you will be joining the meeting from. Joining from an app on a mobile device/ computer can be slightly different than joining a meeting from a web browser on a computer. If at all possible we encourage joining from the app on your phone or on your computer. Please give your device permission to use the camera and microphone for the meeting. This will help ensure all conference calls will go as smooth as possible!

When it is time for your students conference, an email will be sent from the school allowing you to sign up for a time.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email the school.

Thank you!

PNB Staff

Conference Meetings on Microsoft Teams!2024-10-21T10:37:33-07:00
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