Mandy Dray

About Mandy Dray

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So far Mandy Dray has created 57 blog entries.

Lobby Snowflake Sign-Up Announcement!

This is a reminder that Lobby Snowflake Sign-up begins Monday November 4th, 2024 at 8:00pm!

PNB School students in levels VI, VII, and VIII are invited to join us as Snowflakes in the McCaw Hall lobby and greet audiences at select Nutcracker performances. Potential shifts include November 29, November 30, December 1, December 6, and December 19.  

Volunteer slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and one slot is allowed per student. Please do not sign up if you have a PNB School or academic class that conflicts with your shift, or if you are performing in The Nutcracker or volunteering backstage. 

Check the parent portal on Monday November 4th, 2024 at 8:00pm for a link to sign-up for a shift.

Thank you!

Lobby Snowflake Sign-Up Announcement!2024-11-01T13:50:21-07:00

SCHEDULE UPDATE: Friday Nov 8th Discover Dance chat!

Hello Level VII and Advanced C students and families,

Discover Dance is coming up, and we are thrilled to have support from the Level VIIs and Adv Cs! On Friday November 8th we need Level VII A Technique & VII B/Adv C Technique all together from 6:00-6:15pm for a quick chat with Shannon Barnes and Oliva Evans on what they can expect on Discover Dance performance day.  Please meet in Studio A for this chat.

Thank you!

PNB School

SCHEDULE UPDATE: Friday Nov 8th Discover Dance chat!2024-11-01T09:14:32-07:00

Eastside Families: Halloween Volunteers Needed!!

Dear fellow parents and guardians,

Urgent: The PGA is still looking for volunteers for our Trunk-or-Treat event on Halloween night at the FRC! Please, if you are available and can provide a trunk for Trunk-or-Treat, it would be much appreciated. Time is limited so please utilize the link below to review the available details and to sign up right away!

Bellevue: 3rd Annual Trunk-or-Treat

Thank you!


Eastside Families: Halloween Volunteers Needed!!2024-10-30T10:14:41-07:00

Conference Meetings on Microsoft Teams!

Hello PNB Families,

This is just general reminder that all student conferences this year will be held via Microsoft Teams! We would like everyone to prepared and informed so that when it comes the time in the year to prepare for your conference meeting you are ready!

Please make sure you know what device you will be joining the meeting from. Joining from an app on a mobile device/ computer can be slightly different than joining a meeting from a web browser on a computer. If at all possible we encourage joining from the app on your phone or on your computer. Please give your device permission to use the camera and microphone for the meeting. This will help ensure all conference calls will go as smooth as possible!

When it is time for your students conference, an email will be sent from the school allowing you to sign up for a time.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email the school.

Thank you!

PNB Staff

Conference Meetings on Microsoft Teams!2024-10-21T10:37:33-07:00

ACTION: The PGA’s Spook-Tacular Halloween!!

Dear fellow parents and guardians,

It’s the Spook-Tacular Halloween season again! Please join the PGA for our annual Halloween event! The PGA is looking for a few volunteers for our Trick-or-Treat event on Halloween night.

Please utilize the links below to review the available details and to sign up. We welcome any candy donations brought to the PNB School front desk, any time before or on the day of October 31st.

Thank you!


Bellevue: 3rd Annual Trunk-or-Treat

Seattle: Trick-or-Treat

ACTION: The PGA’s Spook-Tacular Halloween!!2024-10-17T16:35:55-07:00

Lobby Snowflake Sign-Up Announcement!

This is a reminder that Lobby Snowflake Sign-up begins Monday November 4th, 2024 at 8:00pm!  

PNB School students in levels VI, VII, and VIII are invited to join us as Snowflakes in the McCaw Hall lobby and greet audiences at select Nutcracker performances. Potential shifts include November 29, November 30, December 1, December 6, and December 19.  

Volunteer slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and one slot is allowed per student. Please do not sign up if you have a PNB School or academic class that conflicts with your shift, or if you are performing in The Nutcracker or volunteering backstage. 

Check the parent portal on Monday November 4th, 2024 at 8:00pm to sign-up for a shift.

Thank you!

Lobby Snowflake Sign-Up Announcement!2024-11-01T13:43:38-07:00

Hallo’week’ at PNB School

Hello PNB School Families!

It’s that time of the year to shake up the student dress code a little at PNB School! All PNB School Students may wear a costume (if they choose) to their classes on Thursday, October 31st! In order to include everyone in this fun dress-up opportunity we will also allow students who do not have classes on Thursdays to dress up on their last scheduled class day between Friday, October 25th and Wednesday, October 30th. (Ex: I’m a level IIB student with classes on Friday the 25th and Wednesday the 30th; the 30th would be my dress up day).

Costumes should not restrict movement or cause great distraction in class. Please try to refrain from wearing costumes with glitter that sheds. Students may be asked to remove costumes or costume pieces at the discretion of the Faculty.

Please contact the school if you have any questions!

Hallo’week’ at PNB School2024-10-11T14:47:23-07:00

VIDEOS: Pre-Intermediate C at Home Conditioning Videos!

Dear Pre-Intermediate C families,

We are happy to share that we have added new videos to our at home conditioning program!


  • These videos are for our students to practice at home to help your dancer achieve their goals. Your student’s will be receiving instruction on how to properly execute these exercises in class but please know that these are all achievable at home.
  • You will be receiving updates throughout the school year with new videos that will build upon the curriculum that they are learning in class and will help them progress through the year.
  • We ask that you do not share these videos with those who are outside of PNB.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the school with any questions!

Level IV/Pre-Intermediate C

Password: PNB4

VIDEOS: Pre-Intermediate C at Home Conditioning Videos!2024-10-07T13:26:22-07:00

Level VII & Advanced C Students – Discover Dance Support!

Hello Level VII and Advanced C students and families,

All PNBS Level VII and Advanced C students are invited to support an exciting PNB Community Education Program- DISCOVER DANCE at McCaw Hall on Thursday, November 14 from 4:00-8:45pm. All Level VII and Adv. C students will be excused from PNBS classes that day and students are expected to support DISCOVER DANCE at those times.

Service hours are available for this work, if needed. Please bring any relevant service hours forms for PNB Community Education Staff to sign to the PNB School office or send electronically to 

On November 14, Level VII and Adv. C students should check-in at the McCaw Hall stage door on Mercer Street at 4:00pm where they will meet up with PNB Community Education staff. From there, they will receive a backstage pass and get a tour/orientation of their responsibilities for the event which may include:

  •  Guiding groups of elementary school students around the hall- including backstage, dressing room, and front of house areas following signs and maps (there will always be adults (classroom teachers) with the groups as well)
  •  Supporting and engaging the young student performers by sharing advice and encouragement
  • Helping with dinner set-up/clean-up and monitoring
  • Greeting school buses dropping-off and picking-up student performers and families
  •  Supporting teachers and staff post-performance with student check-out
  • Helping with clean-up of DISCOVER DANCE signs and materials around McCaw Hall

PNB will provide a light pizza dinner for all student performers and volunteers, including Level VII and Adv. C students.

All Level VII and Adv. C students are expected to support. If your family has questions or concerns, please contact Shannon Barnes, PNB Director of Community Education, at or 206.441.2432.

PNBS families are welcome to attend the DISCOVER DANCE performance on November 14! Please stop by the PNB Box Office to pick up free tickets.The 6:30pm performance features roughly 150 2nd-4th grade public school students from 3 Seattle Public Schools performing choreography they created during in-school residencies with PNB teaching artists over three-months. It will also feature Level VIII/New Voices II PNBS students performing a collaboratively choreographed new piece and PNB Company Dancers performing excerpts of works. It is an exciting celebration of PNB’s partnership and impact with our local public school communities. 


Pacific Northwest Ballet School

Level VII & Advanced C Students – Discover Dance Support!2024-10-02T16:02:58-07:00

Observation & Orientation Reminder!!

Hello PNB families!

This is a reminder that observation & orientation days start this coming Monday September 23rd. The dates span over multiple days so please look carefully at your posted schedule. We hope to see you at your students class!

Observation & Orientation Reminder!!2024-09-20T15:27:00-07:00
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