Mandy Dray

About Mandy Dray

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So far Mandy Dray has created 113 blog entries.

Level V Winter Observation Days!

Hello Level V Families,

We are thrilled to invite you to observe your student in class this month!

Please find your student’s designated observation class day and time and review the observation day protocols below.

  • Only two guests per student will be permitted to observe the class.
  • No children under the age of 5 are permitted to observe the class.
  • Guests will be escorted into the building as a group at the start of class and will be asked to exit the building as soon as class is over.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
Mandy Dray
School Supervisor
PNB School

Level V Winter Observation Days!2025-03-03T10:21:03-08:00

Level IV Winter Observation Days!

Hello Level IV Families,

We are thrilled to invite you to observe your student in class this month!

Please find your student’s designated observation class day and time and review the observation day protocols below.

  • Only two guests per student will be permitted to observe the class.
  • No children under the age of 5 are permitted to observe the class.
  • Guests will be escorted into the building as a group at the start of class and will be asked to exit the building as soon as class is over.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
Mandy Dray
School Supervisor
PNB School

Level IV Winter Observation Days!2025-03-03T10:20:09-08:00

Level III Winter Observation Days!

Hello Level III Families,

We are thrilled to invite you to observe your student in class this month!

Please find your student’s designated observation class day and time and review the observation day protocols below.

  • Only two guests per student will be permitted to observe the class.
  • No children under the age of 5 are permitted to observe the class.
  • Guests will be escorted into the building as a group at the start of class and will be asked to exit the building as soon as class is over.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
Mandy Dray
School Supervisor
PNB School

Level III Winter Observation Days!2025-03-03T10:19:02-08:00

Level II Winter Observation Days!

Hello Level II Families,

We are thrilled to invite you to observe your student in class this month!

Please find your student’s designated observation class day and time and review the observation day protocols below.

  • Only two guests per student will be permitted to observe the class.
  • No children under the age of 5 are permitted to observe the class.
  • Guests will be escorted into the building as a group at the start of class and will be asked to exit the building as soon as class is over.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
Mandy Dray
School Supervisor
PNB School

Level II Winter Observation Days!2025-03-03T10:18:20-08:00

Level I Winter Observation Days!

Hello Level I Families,

We are thrilled to invite you to observe your student in class this month!

Please find your student’s designated observation class day and time and review the observation day protocols below.

  • Only two guests per student will be permitted to observe the class.
  • No children under the age of 5 are permitted to observe the class.
  • Guests will be escorted into the building as a group at the start of class and will be asked to exit the building as soon as class is over.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
Mandy Dray
School Supervisor
PNB School

Level I Winter Observation Days!2025-03-03T10:16:39-08:00

Pre Ballet Winter Observation Days!

Hello Pre Ballet Families,

We are thrilled to invite you to observe your student in class this month!

Please find your student’s designated observation class day and time and review the observation day protocols below.

  • Only two guests per student will be permitted to observe the class.
  • No children under the age of 5 are permitted to observe the class.
  • Guests will be escorted into the building as a group at the start of class and will be asked to exit the building as soon as class is over.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
Mandy Dray
School Supervisor
PNB School

Pre Ballet Winter Observation Days!2025-03-03T10:16:02-08:00

Creative Movement Winter Observation Days!

Hello Creative Movement Families,

We are thrilled to invite you to observe your student in class this month!

Please find your student’s designated observation class day and time and review the observation day protocols below.

  • Only two guests per student will be permitted to observe the class.
  • No children under the age of 5 are permitted to observe the class.
  • Guests will be escorted into the building as a group at the start of class and will be asked to exit the building as soon as class is over.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
Mandy Dray
School Supervisor
PNB School

Creative Movement Winter Observation Days!2025-03-03T10:15:24-08:00

Tots Winter Observation Days!

Hello Tots Families,

We are thrilled to invite you to observe your student in class this month!

Please find your student’s designated observation class day and time and review the observation day protocols below.

  • Only two guests per student will be permitted to observe the class.
  • No children under the age of 5 are permitted to observe the class.
  • Guests will be escorted into the building as a group at the start of class and will be asked to exit the building as soon as class is over.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
Mandy Dray
School Supervisor
PNB School

Tots Winter Observation Days!2025-03-03T10:14:43-08:00

Discover Dance Volunteers Needed!

Hellow Level VII and Advanced C students,

Please find all the information below about Discover Dance volunteers that are needed this March. CLICK HERE to sign up asap! Due date to sign up is March 7th. Thank you!

PNB School Staff

Discover Dance Volunteers Needed!2025-02-24T11:59:56-08:00

Important Updates to Enhance Security Inside PNB

Dear PNBS Families,

We hope this message finds you well. We want to address some recent theft incidents that have occurred in the locker room here at PNB and the steps we are taking to ensure the safety and security of all our students and their belongings. 

First, a message from our PGA President Paige Davis:

Dear Families,

Like you, we have been disheartened to hear of the incidents related to security and theft at PNB, particularly at the Phelps Center. We feel deeply for the families impacted and wanted to assure you that the PGA will continue to work with PNB leadership to enhance the safety and security of the School and our community. By now, you will have received additional e-mails outlining the security enhancement actions that are being taken by PNB and the School. We would like to thank the PNB Company and School staff for its prompt response to these incidents and for the security improvements PNB is investing in.

On the note there are things that we can do to help our community be less at risk. Please remind your students to be respectful of our community, the staff, and, especially, others belongings. Based on timing and pattern of the locker room incidents, we do think that the thefts are coming from within the community. We are hopeful that the new security measures including cameras down the hallways, access codes and the sign-in, sign-out system will deter this activity, but please also remind your students to leave valuables at home or make sure that they are locked or left in the school office during class.

Thank you to all families for continuing to be invested in PNB and the safety and security of the School.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to any member of the PGA any time.

Paige Davis


To help mitigate future issues, we are implementing several new measures as quickly as reasonably possible:

1. Theft Incident Form: We encourage students and parents to report any suspicious activity or theft as soon as possible. The sooner you report a theft incident, the more we are able to lock down a time frame of the incident.  You will be asked to fill out a Theft Incident Form that is available at the front desk or school office for anyone to fill out if they experience theft.

2. Cameras for Enhanced Security: As part of our new security system, surveillance cameras have been placed outside the locker room entrances in the hallways. This will help monitor the entrance and exit.

3. Locker Room Access Control: The doors to the locker room will be kept shut and locked at all times and will require a passcode for entry.

  • Please share these passcodes with your student: The passcode for the student women’s locker room is 145 and the passcode to the student men’s locker room is 235. Do not share these codes. Students can also ask for the code at both the front desk and school office. The code will be changed regularly and emailed to students.

4. Sign- In/Out Sheets: We have introduced a sign-in / sign-out sheet for students who need to leave class for any reason. They have been created, and faculty will be communicating this to students.

5. Locker Locks: Locks are now available for purchase at the front desk and school office. This will allow students to secure their belongings while in class. We highly recommend using a lock to help protect valuables.

Additionally, we kindly ask that students be mindful of what they bring to the studio:

  •  Smaller Bags: Please consider bringing a smaller bag that will fit in your locker to leaving personal belongings open and accessible on the locker room floor.
  • Valuables: We advise that any valuables be left at home or locked in your student’s locker for safety. 
  • Large Bags: If your student absolutely must bring a large bag that doesn’t fit in their locker, students are welcome to bring their bag to the School Office. We are happy to hold it in the school office until your student is ready to leave.

PLEASE NOTE: The only way to ensure that your student’s items are not stolen is to make sure to use the provided locker and securely lock your personal items and valuables with a combination lock. Per your signed locker agreement, it states under item number two; “I must use a combination lock on my assigned locker. A sturdy combination lock is a worthwhile investment.”

We believe these steps will help create a more secure and comfortable environment for all our dancers. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Lastly, as a follow-up to the previous communication regarding our studio safety update, we would like to remind everyone that parents are welcome to enter the Phelps Center and use the areas designated by staff. These include the parent waiting area, entrance foyer, boardroom, and library. We kindly ask families to be mindful of the space constraints at the Phelps Center and to remember that business operations are ongoing during our open hours. To help maintain a productive environment, we request that families keep noise levels to a minimum, ensuring a respectful atmosphere for those working. 

*The number for Seattle Center Security is 206-684-7272. Signs have been placed all around the building with the SCS number and we request that every student who has their own phone enter this number, so they have it immediately if needed. Faculty will be following up with students that they have entered this number in their phones. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We are committed to providing a safe and positive experience for every student here at PNB.

Best regards,

Denise Bolstad

Managing Director

Important Updates to Enhance Security Inside PNB2025-02-22T12:23:53-08:00
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