
About Mairi Nicol

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So far Mairi Nicol has created 229 blog entries.

Creative Movement Observation & Orientation Days

Hello Creative Movement Families,

As a welcome back, we are thrilled to invite you to observe your student in class this month!

Please find your student’s designated observation class day and time and review the observation day protocols below.

*Dates span over multiple weeks, so please look carefully*


Creative Movement ITuesday, Sept. 26th5:15-6:15pm
Creative Movement IIWednesday, Sept. 27th3:00-4:00pm
Creative Movement IIIFriday, Sept. 29th4:15-5:15pm
Creative Movement IVSaturday, Sept. 23rd9:00-10:00am
Creative Movement VSaturday, Sept. 30th9:00-10:00am
Creative Movement VISaturday, Sept. 23rd10:00-11:00am
Creative DanceSaturday, Sept. 30th10:45-11:30am


Creative Movement IMonday, Oct. 2nd4:15-5:15pm
Creative Movement IITuesday, Oct. 3rd4:15-5:15pm
Creative Movement IIITuesday, Oct. 3rd4:15-5:15pm
Creative Movement IVWednesday, Oct. 4th4:45pm-5:45pm
Creative Movement VThursday, Oct. 5th4:15pm-5:15pm
Creative Movement VIThursday, Oct. 5th4:45-5:45pm
Creative Movement VIIFriday, Oct. 6th4:15-5:15pm
Creative Movement VIIISaturday, Sept. 23rd9:00-10:00am
Creative Movement IXSaturday, Sept. 23rd11:00-12:00pm
Creative Movement XSaturday, Sept. 30th9:00-10:00am
Creative Movement XISaturday, Oct. 7th10:00-11:00am
Creative Movement XIISaturday, Oct. 7th11:15-12:15pm
  • Only two guests per student will be permitted to observe the class.
  • No children under the age of 5 are permitted to observe the class.
  • Guests will be escorted into the building as a group at the start of class and will be asked to exit the building as soon as class is over.

Best regards,
Mairi Nicol
School Supervisor
PNB School

Creative Movement Observation & Orientation Days2023-09-15T22:53:21-07:00

Tots Observation & Orientation Days

Hello Tots Families,

As a welcome back, we are thrilled to invite you to observe your student in class this month!

Please find your student’s designated observation class day and time and review the observation day protocols below.

*Dates span over multiple weeks, so please look carefully*


Tots ITuesday, Sept. 26th4:30-5:15pm
Tots IIFriday, Sept. 29th3:30-4:15pm
Tots IIISaturday, Oct. 7th9:00-9:45am
Tots IVSaturday, Sept. 30th10:00-10:45am


Tots IWednesday, Oct. 4th4:00-4:45pm
Tots IIThursday, Oct. 5th4:00-4:45pm
Tots IIISaturday, Oct. 7th9:15-10:00am
Tots IVSaturday, Sept. 23rd10:15-11:00am
Tots VSaturday, Sept. 30th11:15-12:00pm
  • Only two guests per student will be permitted to observe the class.
  • No children under the age of 5 are permitted to observe the class.
  • Guests will be escorted into the building as a group at the start of class and will be asked to exit the building as soon as class is over.

Best regards,
Mairi Nicol
School Supervisor
PNB School

Tots Observation & Orientation Days2023-09-15T22:46:38-07:00

Advances C Modern change on 9/19

Due to teacher availability on Tuesday, September 19th, Advanced C will join the level VIII modern class at 7:30pm.

Technique class is still scheduled to take place from 6:00-7:30pm.

Modern is scheduled from 7:30-8:15pm.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

Advances C Modern change on 9/192023-12-18T12:34:21-08:00

Bellevue Level V Modern Cancelled 9/20

Due to teacher availability on Wednesday, September 20th, Bellevue level V modern is cancelled.

Technique class is still scheduled to take place from 5:45-7:15pm.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

Bellevue Level V Modern Cancelled 9/202023-09-15T14:29:48-07:00

Seattle Level IVC time change 9/14

Dear Seattle Level IVC families,

Due the level IV pointe shoes fittings tonight, the below classes have been cancelled:

Technique 5:45-7:15pm

Your Level IVC class is still scheduled to take place from 7:15-8:15pm.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

Seattle Level IVC time change 9/142023-09-14T10:59:38-07:00

REMINDER: Advanced C combined with Level VIII’s today

Due to a technical issue that has been resolved, we wanted to reminder you about the below schedule change that was posted on September 8th.


Due to studio availability on Thursday, September 14th, we will be combining the Advanced C’s with the Level VIII’s.

Technique class will be from 4:15-5:45pm.

Advanced C Strength is still scheduled to take place from 6:00-6:45pm.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

REMINDER: Advanced C combined with Level VIII’s today2023-09-14T08:41:05-07:00

REMINDER: Fabric Softener

Dear PNB families and students,

We are sending a friendly reminder about information that is shared in our student handbook:

“Dancewear is to be kept laundered and in good repair. Any holes should be mended with same- color thread. Fabric softener cannot be used for any clothes worn in PNB studios.

(Please note that this also includes dryer sheets as those hold the same purpose as liquid softer).

Fabric softener and dryer sheets leave residue and do not absorb equally on different types of fabrics, especially on synthetic ones. This residue then causes the floors in our studios to become slippery.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

REMINDER: Fabric Softener2023-09-12T19:28:55-07:00

September Mentorship & Wellness Schedule Reminder

Hello PNB Level VI (Bellevue & Seattle) and VII families!

This is a friendly reminder of your September wellness schedule.

Saturday, September 16th – 3:30-4:30pm – Mentorship and Wellness Orientation

This will take place in Studio C in Seattle at the Phelps Center.

September Mentorship & Wellness Schedule Reminder2023-09-09T15:04:59-07:00

September Mentorship & Wellness Schedule Reminder

Hello PNB Level VIII and Advanced C families!

This is a friendly reminder of your September wellness schedule.

Saturday, September 16th – 9:00-10:00am – Mentorship and Wellness Orientation

September Mentorship & Wellness Schedule Reminder2023-09-09T14:56:26-07:00
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