
About Mairi Nicol

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So far Mairi Nicol has created 229 blog entries.

Save the Date: Summer Program Audition Seminar

DATE: Monday, December 11th, 2023

TIME: 5:00pm

Location: Phelps Center for Seattle students; Zoom for FRC students and Families

Zoom Link:

We invite students and families in Levels IV-VI to join us for a special seminar about summer dance opportunities, presented by PNB School Level VIII students! Summer provides a wonderful chance for students to continue to train while exploring other dance programs. Twenty-six schools across the country are scheduled to hold auditions at PNB this winter. Students/families attending this seminar will participate in a Q&A session with Level VIII students and gain perspective on what to expect and how to prepare for an audition; how the various programs compare in size, cost, class offerings; and tips for making the most of your summer dance experience. Students will share their experiences from the many summer courses they have attended. We will also be joined by PNB Parent/Guardian Association President, Paige Davis, who will offer the parent perspective in sending your student away for the summer.

While we encourage Level IV and V students to participate in the Francia Russell Center Summer Couse, we also encourage students to audition for at least one summer program, to gain experience in the audition process.

Levels I-V: We are in the early planning stages for our 2024 Summer at the Francia Russell Center in Bellevue, scheduled for July 8-August 9, 2024. This 5-week program offers classes in ballet technique, pointe, variations, modern, jazz, character, and hip hop, as well as seminars on dancer health and wellness. Registration for the Francia Russell Center Summer Course is open to students in Levels I-V (no audition necessary). Look for more information regarding the Francia Russell Center Summer Course later this winter!

PNB Summer Course at the Phelps Center: Enrollment for the 2023 Summer Course at the Phelps Center in Seattle is open only to non-PNB School students. Students currently enrolled in the School should not plan to audition.

Save the Date: Summer Program Audition Seminar2023-11-21T17:10:51-08:00

BELLEVUE Level V Modern class cancelled 11/22

Hello Bellevue Level V families,

Due to Nutcracker rehearsals, Bellevue Level V modern from 4:30-5:30pm, has been cancelled tomorrow, Wednesday, November 22nd.

Technique class is scheduled from 5:45-7:15pm.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school with any questions!

BELLEVUE Level V Modern class cancelled 11/222023-11-21T15:13:35-08:00

BELLEVUE Level IVA class combined on 11/21

Hello Bellevue level IVA families,

Due to Nutcracker rehearsals, the level IVA’s will be combined with the levels V’s today, Tuesday, November 21st.

Technique class will be held from 4:30-6:00pm

Pointe class will be held from 6:00-7:00pm

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school with any questions!

BELLEVUE Level IVA class combined on 11/212023-11-21T14:38:37-08:00

Seattle Level IIB Class Canceled 11/22

Dear Seattle Level IIB families,

Due to teacher availability and Nutcracker rehearsals, your students level IIB class from 6:15-7:45pm on Wednesday, Nov. 22nd has been canceled.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school with any questions!

Seattle Level IIB Class Canceled 11/222023-11-17T12:52:09-08:00

Seattle Level IC combined with Pre-Ballet 11/22

Hello Seattle Level IC families,

Due to teacher availability, your student’s level IC technique class will be combined with the pre-ballet class on Wednesday, November 22nd.

Technique class will be held from 4:00-5:00pm.

If you will be out of town due to the holiday, or if you have any questions, please notify the school at

Seattle Level IC combined with Pre-Ballet 11/222023-11-17T12:38:39-08:00

Thanksgiving Closure Reminder

Hello PNB Families, 

Both the Phelps Center and the Francia Russell Center will be closed, and regular classes will not be held from Thursday, November 23th through Saturday, November 25th due to the Thanksgiving holiday. 

If you student will be missing class at all next week, please notify the school office.

We wish you all a happy and safe holiday! 

Thanksgiving Closure Reminder2023-11-17T12:30:19-08:00

EASTSIDE Families: Advocate to your Councilmember before Thanksgiving!

Dear PNB School Families,

You may have heard us talk about the work to create a cultural access program for King County. PNB, PNB School, and organizations of every size and discipline in King County will benefit from the passage of the program, now called Doors Open King County. All voices make a difference in the effort to pass this program. Please consider adding yours!

If King County Council passes this modest sales tax increase (1/10th of 1%, about $40 per household per year), over $90 million in funding will flow into arts, science, and heritage organizations across the county. In particular, our partners at Inspire Washington are asking Bellevue and Redmond residents to send an email of support to your local representative who serves on the Regional Policy Committee. You can use these template letters to draft your own.

·      Redmond Mayor Angela Birney:

·      Bellevue City Councilmember John Stokes:

By visiting this link, you’ll find all three action items from Inspire Washington, and here, an article about the program by Rich Smith at The Stranger, which summarizes well the broad impact of the program:

Thank you for your consideration and continued support of PNB School!

EASTSIDE Families: Advocate to your Councilmember before Thanksgiving!2023-11-17T12:17:17-08:00

Early Access to PNB’s Nutcracker Black Friday Sale

Get a jump on Black Friday! PNB is offering PNB School Families early access to our Nutcracker Black Friday sale before it goes to the public tomorrow. Use code PNBSBlackFriday over the phone or online for up to 40% off select performances of George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker® when you buy today. 

Looking for tickets to the rest of Pacific Northwest Ballet’s 2023/24 Season? PNB School students and their families receive a student rate of 20% off tickets to performances. Mention promo code 24PNBS when calling the Box Office or enter the code and select seats labeled “Family” when buying tickets online.  Click here to learn more!

PNB Box Office
Monday – Friday, 10:00AM – 6:00PM 


Early Access to PNB’s Nutcracker Black Friday Sale2023-11-14T20:14:03-08:00

Bellevue Classroom Assistant Needed

Dear Bellevue level IVB, V & VI families,

PNBS is looking for a student volunteer to serve as classroom assistant for one of our Creative Movement classes.

Being a classroom assistant is a terrific way for your student to earn service hours at their academic school, build confidence, learn about teaching ballet & movement, and reconnect with their early dance training.

Please note: it cannot conflict with your student’s scheduled classes and is on a first come first serve basis.

Thursdays at 4:45-5:45pm – Creative Movement VI

Please email the school ( if your student is interested in this volunteer opportunity.

Bellevue Classroom Assistant Needed2023-11-13T15:33:49-08:00

Advanced C combined with Level VIII’s 11/15

Due to studio availability on Wednesday, November 15th, we will be combining the Advanced C’s with the Level VIII’s.

Technique class will be from 5:30-7:00pm.

Pas de Deux is still scheduled to take place from 7:30-8:30pm.

Advanced C combined with Level VIII’s 11/152023-11-10T14:13:21-08:00
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