
About Mairi Nicol

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So far Mairi Nicol has created 229 blog entries.

REMINDER: Save the Date – Summer Program Audition Seminar

DATE: Monday, December 11th, 2023

TIME: 5:00pm

Location: Phelps Center for Seattle students; Zoom for FRC students and Families

Zoom Link

We invite students and families in Levels IV-VI to join us for a special seminar about summer dance opportunities, presented by PNB School Level VIII students! Summer provides a wonderful chance for students to continue to train while exploring other dance programs. Twenty-six schools across the country are scheduled to hold auditions at PNB this winter. Students/families attending this seminar will participate in a Q&A session with Level VIII students and gain perspective on what to expect and how to prepare for an audition; how the various programs compare in size, cost, class offerings; and tips for making the most of your summer dance experience. Students will share their experiences from the many summer courses they have attended. We will also be joined by PNB Parent/Guardian Association President, Paige Davis, who will offer the parent perspective in sending your student away for the summer.

While we encourage Level IV and V students to participate in the Francia Russell Center Summer Couse, we also encourage students to audition for at least one summer program, to gain experience in the audition process.

Levels I-V: We are in the early planning stages for our 2024 Summer at the Francia Russell Center in Bellevue, scheduled for July 8-August 9, 2024. This 5-week program offers classes in ballet technique, pointe, variations, modern, jazz, character, and hip hop, as well as seminars on dancer health and wellness. Registration for the Francia Russell Center Summer Course is open to students in Levels I-V (no audition necessary). Look for more information regarding the Francia Russell Center Summer Course later this winter!

PNB Summer Course at the Phelps Center: Enrollment for the 2023 Summer Course at the Phelps Center in Seattle is open only to non-PNB School students. Students currently enrolled in the School should not plan to audition.

REMINDER: Save the Date – Summer Program Audition Seminar2023-12-05T12:21:53-08:00

UPDATE: December Mentorship & Wellness Reminder

Hello Advanced C Families,

This is your reminder about the upcoming December Mentorship and Wellness seminars. This month the seminars will be a wellness seminar and a mentorship Q&A seminar with a faculty member. Advanced C will be speaking with Mr. Porretta for the Q&A seminar. Specifics below!

Saturday, December 9th9:30-10:00JDBRMentorship faculty Q&A
Saturday, December 16th9:45-10:45LibraryWellness Seminar
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!
UPDATE: December Mentorship & Wellness Reminder2023-12-04T12:37:58-08:00

UPDATE: December Mentorship & Wellness Reminder

Hello Level VII families,

This is your reminder about the upcoming December Mentorship and Wellness seminars. This month the seminars will be a wellness seminar and a mentorship Q&A seminar with a faculty member. Level VII will be speaking with Mr. Yin. for the Q&A seminar. Specifics below!

Saturday, December 9th10:45-11:45JDBRMentorship Faculty Q&A
Saturday, December 16th10:45-11:45JDBRWellness Seminar
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!
UPDATE: December Mentorship & Wellness Reminder2023-12-04T12:30:01-08:00

UPDATE: December Mentorship & Wellness Reminder

Hello Level VI Families,

We apologies for any confusion around the mentorship and wellness schedule for this month. This is your reminder about the upcoming December Mentorship and Wellness seminars. This month you will have both a wellness seminar and a mentorship seminar that will be Q&A with faculty members. Bellevue Level VI’s will be speaking with Ms. Imler, and Seattle Level VI’s will be speaking with Ms. Hanson. Please note the additions and adjustments below.

FRC – BellevueTimePlaceSeminar
Saturday, December 9th10:00-11:00PB StudioWellness Seminar
Saturday, December 16th10:15-11:00PB StudioMentorship – Faculty Q&A
PC – SeattleTimePlaceSeminar
Tuesday, December 5th8:00-8:30pmStudioMentorship – Faculty Q&A
Saturday December 9th11:45-12:45JDBRWellness Seminar
*This schedule is subject to change – any changes will be notified!
UPDATE: December Mentorship & Wellness Reminder2023-12-04T12:38:18-08:00

Eastside Parking Lot Safety Reminder (for FRC families)

Hello Eastside Families,

We have noticed that there is a bottle-neck issue in our parking lot when we have a long line of cars waiting in the pickup/drop-off line, which prevents other cars from safely passing. We ask that you please wait in a parking spot for your student if you arrive more than 5 minutes prior to the end of your students’ class. As you are in the pickup/drop-off line please pull up as the cars in front of you leave in order to keep the line moving.

Thank you for your help! Our students’ safety is our top priority.

Best regards,
Mairi Nicol
School Supervisor

Eastside Parking Lot Safety Reminder (for FRC families)2023-12-01T15:22:16-08:00

SEATTLE: Traffic Impacts this weekend 12/1 – 12/4

Hello Seattle families,

Beginning tomorrow evening, there will be some closures that may make coming and going to Seattle Center difficult.

With lots of events happening on campus Saturday and Sunday, Winterfest, Seattle Christmas Market, The Nutcracker, Urban Craft Uprising, and The 1975 (to name a few), please allow enough time when commuting to campus.

  • The SR 99 tunnel will close in both directions from 10:00pm Friday, Dec. 1st through 6:00am Saturday, Dec. 2nd.
  • SR 520 will be closed from 11:00pm Friday, Dec. 1st until 5:00am Monday, Dec. 4th. The SR 520 trail is also closed across the lake.
  • Northbound I-5 in Seattle will close on weeknights for three weeks starting Monday, Dec. 4th. Work will happen nightly from 11:59 p.m. through 4 a.m. During the overnight closures, travelers using northbound I-5 can access downtown by using exits near the I-90 interchange, while those continuing north of downtown should use the express lanes.

Make sure to plan your trip carefully and consider alternate means of travel!

SEATTLE: Traffic Impacts this weekend 12/1 – 12/42023-11-30T15:20:40-08:00

REMINDER: Thanksgiving Closure

Hello PNB Families, 

Both the Phelps Center and the Francia Russell Center will be closed, and regular classes will not be held from Thursday, November 23th through Saturday, November 25th due to the Thanksgiving holiday. 

If you student will be missing class at all next week, please notify the school office.

We wish you all a happy and safe holiday!

REMINDER: Thanksgiving Closure2023-11-21T11:34:56-08:00

REMINDER: Seattle Level IIB Class Canceled 11/22

Dear Seattle Level IIB families,

Due to teacher availability and Nutcracker rehearsals, your students level IIB class from 6:15-7:45pm on Wednesday, Nov. 22nd has been canceled.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school with any questions!

REMINDER: Seattle Level IIB Class Canceled 11/222023-11-21T17:54:35-08:00

REMINDER: Seattle Level IC combined with Pre-Ballet 11/22

Hello Seattle Level IC families,

Due to teacher availability, your student’s level IC technique class will be combined with the pre-ballet class on Wednesday, November 22nd.

Technique class will be held from 4:00-5:00pm.

If you will be out of town due to the holiday, or if you have any questions, please notify the school at

REMINDER: Seattle Level IC combined with Pre-Ballet 11/222023-11-21T17:46:15-08:00

It’s Never too Early to Start Thinking About Summer!

We are in the early planning stages for our 2024 Summer at the Francia Russell Center in Bellevue, scheduled for July 8-August 9, 2024. This 5-week program offers classes in ballet technique, pointe, variations, modern, jazz, character, and hip hop, as well as seminars on dancer health and wellness. Registration for the Francia Russell Center Summer Course is open to students in Levels I-V (no audition necessary). Look for more information regarding the Francia Russell Center Summer Course later this winter!

It’s Never too Early to Start Thinking About Summer!2023-11-21T17:22:43-08:00
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