
About Mairi Nicol

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So far Mairi Nicol has created 229 blog entries.

Quarter 3 Autopay Reminder

Good Afternoon,  

This is a friendly reminder that Quarter 3 starts on Monday, January 29th. If you are registered with a Quarterly payment plan, your card will be charged automatically on Monday.  

Please let us know by this Saturday, January 27th if you are choosing to withdraw and would like to be removed from autopay. Any withdrawals on the Biannual or Payment in Full payment plan will receive a refund.  Please note we do not issue mid-quarter refunds.  

Quarter 3     January 29-March 30

Quarter 4     April 1-June 15

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Kristen Carder
School Registrar
Pacific Northwest Ballet School
301 Mercer St.
Seattle, WA 98119

Quarter 3 Autopay Reminder2024-01-24T16:30:28-08:00

REMINDER: 2024 Petite Finale Information – Action Required

*If you have not yet completed the participation agreement, the deadline is Wednesday, January 31st.*

*Please note: we still need a completed participation agreement even if your student is choosing to not participate.*

IMPORTANT: Please click on the participation agreement link at the bottom of this letter. Completion of the form is required for all Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet students in order to confirm if your student is OR is not performing in the Petite Finale.

Dear Creative Movement, CD Boys, and Pre-Ballet Families:

You are cordially invited to Pacific Northwest Ballet School’s Petite Finale, a very special performance of our Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet students. This studio performance offers our youngest students the opportunity to show you the progress they have made this year. Following your student’s performance, Pacific Northwest Ballet School’s upper level students will perform selections from Pacific Northwest Ballet’s repertoire. A reception with refreshments will complete the afternoon.

2024 Petite Finale Performance Dates

(See the schedule links above for your specific rehearsal and performance dates and times.) Please note: if your student’s regular class falls on the same day as their Dress Rehearsal and Performance, their regular class is cancelled that day. All classes will continue after Petite Finale performances through the end of the school year (June 15).

*This Dress Rehearsal is mandatory for all students planning to dance in Petite Finale, and it is part of the Participation Agreement. It is a critical part of the preparation process to ensure our students are ready and confident to perform. It is the only time your student will practice with the other classes in their performance group and get a chance to try out their entrances and exits in the actual performance space.

Attendance in regular classes is critical for performance participation (Creative Movement students must be enrolled for 3rd and 4th Quarter classes in order to participate in a Petite Finale performance).  While preparing for the performance, students will continue to learn and grow in their understanding and appreciation of dance as well as begin a more in-depth look into musicality and choreography.  Please note: classes will resume the week following Petite Finale and will continue through June 15th.

Please review the attached rehearsal and performance schedule carefully, then click here to complete and submit the attached participation agreement as soon as possible (no later than January 31, 2023). We require a completed form for students who are participating or not participating in the Petite Finale. I hope you will enjoy this opportunity to see your children perform.  I know they are excited to prepare for it.

Petite Finale is a ticketed event. Tickets will be available for purchase later this spring; more details to come.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the School Office at 206.441.2435.


Denise Bolstad

Managing Director

REMINDER: 2024 Petite Finale Information – Action Required2024-01-24T13:58:49-08:00

Level VIII Classes – Tomorrow, Wednesday 1/24

Hello Level VIII Students,

We wanted to remind you that your regular classes are cancelled this Wednesday, January 24th in order to view the New Voices Showing I from 6:30 to 7:30 at the Phelps Center. Your attendance is expected. If you will not be present we ask that you call the school for an excused absence. Ms. Stone and the Level VII students look forward to sharing these new works with you!

Level VIII Classes – Tomorrow, Wednesday 1/242024-01-23T12:57:07-08:00

Seattle Level VI & Adv. C Students – Wednesday, 1/24

Hello Seattle Level VI & Advanced C Students,

We wanted to remind you that your regular classes are cancelled this Wednesday, January 24th in order to view the New Voices Showings from 6:30 to 7:30 at the Phelps Center. Your attendance is expected. If you will not be present we ask that you call the school for an excused absence. Ms. Stone and the Level VII students look forward to sharing these new works with you!

Seattle Level VI & Adv. C Students – Wednesday, 1/242024-01-20T10:14:25-08:00

Advanced C combined with level VIII – 1/19

Due to teacher availability tomorrow, Friday, January 19th, the Advanced C’s will be combined with the Level VIII’s.

Technique class will be from 4:15-5:45pm.

Pas de Deux is still scheduled to take place from 6:45-8:15pm.

Advanced C combined with level VIII – 1/192024-01-18T18:39:18-08:00

Classes NOT Cancelled Today 1/18

Hello PNB Families,
Both school locations, Seattle and the Eastside, are running their normal classes as scheduled today, Thursday January 18th.

Please call or email the school if you would like to report an absence due to weather conditions.

Classes NOT Cancelled Today 1/182024-01-18T15:03:41-08:00

SCHEDULE UPDATE: Class Photos 2024

Hello PNB School Families,

*Due to our Eastside location being closed because of inclement weather, and the Bellevue school district closure, we had to reschedule class photos for today, Wednesday 1/17 at the FRC. Please see below for the updated schedule with changes highlighted in orange.*

Back by popular demand, we have scheduled a photographer to come to the Phelps Center and Francia Russell Center to take class and individual photos of our students this month!

Below are the scheduled days for each level’s class photo. These photos will happen during your student’s scheduled class time. Students must be in the correct PNB dress code in order to participate. Please note that students who are late to class will be unable to participate in the class photo and that class photos are not able to be rescheduled due to absences.

Families will receive details about purchasing after all class photos have been taken. Families will be able to order through the photographer’s online platform.

We look forward to seeing all of our dancers’ smiling faces!

SCHEDULE UPDATE: Class Photos 20242024-01-17T11:40:55-08:00

FRC Closure Wednesday 1.17.24 – Classes Cancelled

Hello Eastside families,

All classes at the Francia Russell Center are cancelled today, Wednesday, January 17th, 2024 due to inclement weather and Bellevue School District Closure.

All classes at the Seattle Phelps Center are NOT cancelled and will be held as normal.

Please stay safe!


Mairi Nicol

School Supervisor

FRC Closure Wednesday 1.17.24 – Classes Cancelled2024-01-17T08:50:34-08:00

2024 Petite Finale Information – Action Required

IMPORTANT: Please click on the participation agreement link at the bottom of this letter. Completion of the form is required for all Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet students in order to confirm if your student is OR is not performing in the Petite Finale.

Dear Creative Movement, CD Boys, and Pre-Ballet Families:

You are cordially invited to Pacific Northwest Ballet School’s Petite Finale, a very special performance of our Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet students. This studio performance offers our youngest students the opportunity to show you the progress they have made this year. Following your student’s performance, Pacific Northwest Ballet School’s upper level students will perform selections from Pacific Northwest Ballet’s repertoire. A reception with refreshments will complete the afternoon.

2024 Petite Finale Performance Dates

(See the schedule links above for your specific rehearsal and performance dates and times.) Please note: if your student’s regular class falls on the same day as their Dress Rehearsal and Performance, their regular class is cancelled that day. All classes will continue after Petite Finale performances through the end of the school year (June 15).

*This Dress Rehearsal is mandatory for all students planning to dance in Petite Finale, and it is part of the Participation Agreement. It is a critical part of the preparation process to ensure our students are ready and confident to perform. It is the only time your student will practice with the other classes in their performance group and get a chance to try out their entrances and exits in the actual performance space.

Attendance in regular classes is critical for performance participation (Creative Movement students must be enrolled for 3rd and 4th Quarter classes in order to participate in a Petite Finale performance).  While preparing for the performance, students will continue to learn and grow in their understanding and appreciation of dance as well as begin a more in-depth look into musicality and choreography.  Please note: classes will resume the week following Petite Finale and will continue through June 15th.

Please review the attached rehearsal and performance schedule carefully, then click here to complete and submit the attached participation agreement as soon as possible (no later than January 31, 2023). We require a completed form for students who are participating or not participating in the Petite Finale. I hope you will enjoy this opportunity to see your children perform.  I know they are excited to prepare for it.

Petite Finale is a ticketed event. Tickets will be available for purchase later this spring; more details to come.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the School Office at 206.441.2435.


Denise Bolstad

Managing Director

2024 Petite Finale Information – Action Required2024-01-13T16:38:48-08:00

SCHEDULE UPDATE: Class Photos 2024!!

Hello PNB School Families,

Back by popular demand, we have scheduled a photographer to come to the Phelps Center and Francia Russell Center to take class and individual photos of our students this month!

Below are the scheduled days for each level’s class photo. These photos will happen during your student’s scheduled class time. Students must be in the correct PNB dress code in order to participate. Please note that students who are late to class will be unable to participate in the class photo and that class photos are not able to be rescheduled due to absences.

Families will receive details about purchasing after all class photos have been taken. Families will be able to order through the photographer’s online platform.

We look forward to seeing all of our dancers’ smiling faces!

SCHEDULE UPDATE: Class Photos 2024!!2024-01-10T10:56:44-08:00
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