Hello Level VII students and families,

All PNBS Level VII students are invited to support an exciting PNB Community Education Program- DISCOVER DANCE at McCaw Hall on Wednesday, March 20 from 4:00-8:45pm. The usual Level VII Technique and New Voices classes will be canceled that day and students are expected to support DISCOVER DANCE at those times.

Service hours are available for this work (please bring any relevant forms for PNB Community Education Staff to sign). PNB will provide a light pizza dinner for all student performers and volunteers, including PNBS Level VII students.

On March 20, Level VII students should check-in at the McCaw Hall stage door on Mercer Street at 4:00pm where they will meet up with PNB Community Education staff. From there, they will receive a backstage pass and get a tour/orientation of their responsibilities for the event which may include:

·         Guiding groups of students around the hall- including backstage, dressing room, and front of house areas following signs and maps (there will always be adults (classroom teachers) with the groups as well)

·         Supporting and engaging the young student performers by sharing advice and encouragement

·         Helping with dinner set-up/clean-up and monitoring

·         Greeting school buses dropping-off and picking-up student performers and families

·         Supporting teachers and staff post-performance with student check-out

·         Helping with clean-up of DISCOVER DANCE signs and materials around McCaw Hall

All Level VII students are expected to support. If your family has questions or concerns, please contact Shannon Barnes, PNB Director of Community Education, at sbarnes@pnb.org or 206.441.2432.

About the DISCOVER DANCE performance on March 20: The 6:30pm performance features roughly 175 2nd and 3rd grade public school students from 3 Seattle Public Elementary Schools performing choreography they created during in-school residencies with PNB teaching artists over three-months. It will also feature Level II PNBS DanceChance public school students doing a demonstration of their class work and PNB Company Dancers performing excerpts of works. It is an exciting celebration of PNB’s partnership and impact with our local public school communities. Tickets are free (available through the PNB Box Office) and PNBS families are welcome to attend.