Dear PNB School Families, 

The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is spreading quickly, and PNB continues to track public health here in Seattle. Though we don’t know the full impact that Omicron will have on our schools and community, we currently plan to cancel classes tomorrow, Monday, January 3 and re-open PNB School for classes as scheduled on Tuesday, January 4. This extra day is to enable more of our faculty to receive COVID test results before returning to classes, as COVID testing has become more challenging in the past weeks.

That said, we are also preparing for the possibility we may have to go remote at some point in January. Uncertainty at any time is challenging, but no more so than now, after the stress and anxiety of the last several weeks. We are sharing this information with you now so you can be as ready as possible should PNB School need to switch to remote learning.

With summer program auditions beginning this January we are also monitoring visiting auditions. Some schools are switching to zoom for their auditions, and some are canceling their in-person auditions and accepting video auditions instead.  Please check the website of each school for more information.  PNB will work with each school and will ensure COVID protocols are followed for all still visiting for in-person auditions.

We intend to provide updates, as necessary. Our staff will be working to ensure that we make decisions that keep our families, students, and staff safe and in good health.

In the meantime, we strongly encourage all our families to:

  • Get vaccinated. Vaccinations are now available for individuals ages 5+.
  • Get a booster shot. Boosters are now available for individuals ages 16+.
  • Avoid large gatherings.
  • Continue to wear masks and social distance.
  • Wash your hands frequently and disinfect high-touch surfaces regularly.

If you or your student are experiencing any COVID symptoms, please stay home and contact the School at, or call us: 206.441.2436 (Phelps Center) or 425.451.1241 (Francia Russell Center.

Please note: we will not track attendance the first two weeks of January, and we respect your decision to stay home.

Lastly, we recommend a COVID test if possible before students return to school on January 4 so that our school communities stay as healthy as possible.

We hope that you were able to enjoy a winter break that was restful and rejuvenating. Thank you for all that you do to keep your family and others healthy and ready for the second half of the school year.