Thursday, November 14 2019
The weekend closure of NE Spring Blvd. has been rescheduled
for Friday, November 22 to Monday, November 25. Please see below, changes
are in red. Please note that the most notable change is the traffic change
after the weekend closure on NE Spring Blvd. until December 9 (diagram 4).
Changes to NE 20th St and 136th PL NE intersection, as
early as Friday, November 22 through Friday, December 13
Contractor crews will begin work at the intersection of NE
20th St and 136th PL NE to build out the new concrete intersection. This work
will entail finishing utilities and grading and paving for the concrete
intersection. Please see below diagram 1 detailing where the new work
zone will be. With this change at the intersection we will also have two-way
traffic on 136th PL NE and restricted turns out of Simone Plaza and BMW.
Access to 136th PL NE with two-way traffic, as early
as Friday, November 22 (ongoing)
Access to businesses on the west
side of 136th PL NE will be
from NE 20th ST, please see diagram 2. Businesses
on the east side of 136th PL NE will have access from NE Spring Blvd.
and 136th PL NE (U-turn at the intersection of 136th PL NE and NE Spring
Blvd.), please see diagram 2.
- Please note that while construction in the center of
the roadway may not start right away, crossing the road will not be
permissible for both vehicles and pedestrians; sidewalks/pedestrian paths
will be maintained throughout.
Weekend closures on NE Spring Blvd., Friday, November 22 through Monday, November 25, 6
p.m.-6 a.m.
NE Spring Blvd. roadway work will be done under a full
weekend closure, 6 p.m. Friday, November 22 to 6 a.m. Monday, November 25. This
closure is necessary to facilitate roadway removal, grading, and asphalt activities.
Please see diagram 3 for how traffic/access will be maintained during
the weekend closure. All access to 136th
PL NE will be from NE 20th ST.
Traffic and access after NE Spring Blvd. weekend closure,
Monday, November 22 through Monday, December 9
Access to 136th PL NE and NE Spring Blvd. will be maintained
from 134th AVE NE and NE 20th ST, please see diagram 4.
Changes to traffic and access to 136th PL NE and NE
Spring Blvd., Monday, December 9 through end of
Starting as early as December 9, crews will be working at
the intersection of 134th AVE NE and NE Spring Blvd., local access will be
maintained on 134th AVE NE. All access to 136th PL NE and NE Spring Blvd. will
be from NE 20th ST, please see diagram 5.
Please contact Elizabeth with any questions.
Community Outreach Specialist, East Corridor
Sound Transit
Office: 206-689-4743
Posted by PNB School